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November 12th, 1937

Dear Miss Standish:

I was informed last Friday that you had tried to get in touch with me early in the morning, and I cannot tell you how much I regret to have missed your telephone call. I tried to reach you here in New York at several places, but in vain, and when I finally called Detroit, I was told that you were on a holiday and not expected to return until the end of this week.

I would have enjoyed so much to have talked to you and made your acquaintance. Was there anything of importance you wanted to discuss with me?

I meanwhile had a letter from Mr. Dillman in Palm Beach from which I understand that Mrs. Dillman is now in Detroit, and I wonder whether you found the opportune moment to bring my letter to her attention. 

I suppose Mrs. Dillman will come east in the near future, and I would be ever so grateful to you if you would kindly advise me of her



Transcription Notes:
Writing in the back of paper