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December 29, 1937

Mr. Hans Wagen
Gladstone Hotel
East 52nd Street
New York City

Dear Hans:

I was surprised and delighted to receive a very nice bottle of wine from you for a Christmas remembrance. While it was very pleasant, I want you to know it was not necessary for you to remember me in that way at Christmas time for I feel certain and confident of your friendship at all seasons of the year.

We had an extremely nice Christmas with the entire family here, and, for once, all of them behaved. Anna enjoyed herself and was very pleased and delighted at your remembrance of her. She will write you about that, however.

I am hard at it getting ready for the opening of the Club. It really looks beautiful, and our reservations, despite Mr. Roosevelt and his cohorts and the depression, are enormous. Wish you were going to be here, however, wherever you are, I hope you have a very happy New Year's Eve, and that it follows you with prosperity and happiness throughout the entire year.

Hastily but with fond regards,


HD:jc    WH

Transcription Notes:
image - drawing of the club