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February 4th, 1938

Dear Hugh:

I am quite excited and hurry to dash these few lines off to you. It has just been decided that I shall go to Washington and Miami on certain "affairs of state", and I am taking all my gabardines, etc. out of moth balls to make a proper "personal appearance".

I shall leave New York on February 12th, spend four or five days in Washington and intend to arrive in Miami in all probability on February 18th. Though I have several invitations, I believe I shall stay at a small hotel somewhere so that I can attend to my business with more freedom. 

In any case, as soon as I definitely know, I shall communicate to you my whereabouts, and perhaps you can get away from Palm Beach for a day so that we can have an evening in Miami together. 

I believe I will have to stay for about ten days in Miami, and would then love to come to Palm Beach for a few days before returning north, as it would be hardly worth the journey without paying a visit to the Mecca of all resorts, and to see its shrine, the Everglades Club with all the changes you have made, in its full glory. I, therefore, trust I do not impose upon you referring to your kind invitation, and wonder whether you can put me up in your attic for a few days, or should that be inconvenient, perhaps you could make a moderate arrangement for me at the Club as I have to be rather careful of my travelling expenses. 

I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to this trip, as I haven't been away from New York now in over two years and certainly worked hard enough to deserve a little rest; so whatever you can do for me will be greatly appreciated. 

Lots of interesting things have happened here which I shall relate to you in person when I get down. In the meantime, I hope all is well with you, and with many good wishes and kindest personal regards, I am

As always,


Hugh Dillman, Esq.
Sandy Loam Farm
West Palm Beach, Florida