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March 24, 1938

Dear Mrs. Standish:

New York has appeared to me the most awful come-down after the "eldorado" of Playa Riente, and only a jump head first into work that had accumulated during my absence did not make me feel the anti-climax quite as painfully. Preparing a quite important Raeburn exhibition for the A. I. C. P. absorbs every minute of the day, and I can say that I believe the show will be beautiful.

Let me thank you for all your kindnesses you extended to me while I was in Palm Beach. You were terribly nice to me, and I indeed appreciate it.

I wrote to Mrs. Dillman yesterday giving her the prices and further particulars about the beautiful Golden Boiserie and the magnificent steel table, photographs of which I have left with her in Palm Beach. I, furthermore, just dashed off a few lines regarding an exceptionally rare, most charming, little marble statue of the great poet Voltaire, executed by Rosset, plus photographs of same. I would be ever so grateful to you if you could kindly bring these matters to Mrs. Dillman's attention at an opportune moment.

Is there anything I can do for you in New York, and have you had any further news about your boy's appointment to West Point? Don't forget that I shall be very glad to be of any assistance to you whenever I can. Should you come to New York, which I believe will be before long, do give me a ring please. It would be so nice seeing you again.