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RW:S May 11, 1938

Dear Anna:

We just returned to New York safely from our"flying" trip, and I hasten to send you these few lines to thank you for letting Captain Seligmann and myself see your house and to tell you how much I have enjoyed my visit. I cannot tell you how impressed I was for I have never in my life seen as many magnificent "objects d'art" combined in one house and as beautifully arranged. It was indeed a great treat, and my most profound compliments to your taste.

My visit would have been perfect could I have expressed my feelings personally to my hostess, and I sincerely hope that you have fully recovered by now from your indisposition.

We certainly are having strange weather this spring. One day it is boiling hot and the next day almost freezing. Everybody around me seems to suffer from continuous colds.

Mrs. Standish was terribly nice while showing us the house. Do tell her please that I appreciate her kindness. Mrs. Standish also told me that you intend to come to New York between the 20th and the 25th. It certainly will be good to see you again. Think of it--three months have passed since I left Palm Beach, and I am very jealous of my friends !

By the by, Dwight Wyman's show is opening here tonight. It will be a wow ! I saw it when it first opened in New Haven and it surely will be a huge success in New York. I would like very much to arrange a little theater and supper party. Won't you, therefore, please let me know which day you will be free a little in advance as it is terribly difficulty to get good seats for this show. Also kindly inform me if you expect Hugh to be here with you so I will know how many people there will be.

Otherwise I have nothing else for today, except after having been up in the air so much lately I haven't found my land legs yet. I do hope you are feeling well again,and with my kindest personal regards, I am,

Always faithfully

(Rolf. H. Waegen)


Mrs. Hugh Dillman
12 Lake Shore Road
Grosse Pointe, Michigan