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May 12th., 1938,

Dear Mrs. Dillman:

It is a pleasant duty upon my return to New York, to thank you for the very delightful reception which was given me at your home last Monday.

I am sorry that I was not able to pay my respects to you personally, but Mrs. Standish took particular pains to welcome us both in the most charming manner.

I am still under the spell of the beauty and grandeur of your home, and though I had heard so much in the past few years of what you were accomplishing, I did not anticipate an ensemble where tastes and magnificence are so closely allied! Were it just for the enjoyment I had, please accept my sincerest thanks.

Mrs. Standish was kind enough to tell me that you expected to be in New York towards the end of the month and I do hope that I shall have then an opportunity of seeing you.

Believe me to be,
Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Mrs. Hugh Dillman,
12 Lake Shore Road,
Grosse Pointe, Michigan

Transcription Notes:
not desirable to transcribe reverse side of page that happens to show through