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original sent to Mr. Waegen, London, to be handed to Mrs. Dillman.


Paris, June 28th 1938

Dear Mrs Dillman,

I consider it my duty to write a few words to you in connection with the Schiff auction, for which you were kind enough to give us a certain number of orders.

As you certainly know by now, the only item which I have been able to purchase for your account, is N°29, the Marin group, for [[pound symbol]]997.10.

The Lavreince gouaches in which you were interested, and for which you had given us bids of 1.350 guineas respectively, brought:

- N°34 : [[pound symbol]]1942.10.
- N°35 : [[pound symbol]]1995

which you will realize was considerably above your figures.

I was disappointed to hear that you had given up the idea of purchasing the pair of commodes, particularly in view of the fact that besides their quality, they went for such little money. N°62, pair of Louis XVI commodes only brought [[pound symbol]]997.10. which is not quite $5.000.

Trusting you will fully enjoy the lovely little Marin group, for which I would be glad to hear where you want to have it sent to,

Believe me to be,
Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)

Mrs Hugh Dillmann
New York.