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Paris, July 26th 1938

Dear Anna,

I finally arrived in Paris safely, and I am gradually getting my Continental feelings back.  London certainly was a whirl for me after so many years of absence.

In any case, it was nice to get a last glimpse of you before your departure a the Monseigneur, and I hope you are comfortably settled in Vichy by now, and that the cure is doing you the good you expected.

I somehow miss you, and it seems strange not to find on my pad in the morning "'phone Mrs Dillman at 11,30"!

Upon my arrival, I have immediately taken up the matter of the Marin group with Captan Seligmann, and he told me that he was going to write to you directly to relieve you of any worries regarding the restoration of the toes, which I have been assured by him, is a mere trifle.

You mentioned to me in London that you wanted to give me a check in payment of this group. Germain Seligmann informs me that he has already paid Christie Manson & Woods, so should it be at all convenient to you, kindly send your check to our office here in Paris, at the above address.  May I remind you of the amount : L 997.10, as per the bill rendered to you in Detroit.  The bill covering our commission, shipping, insurance, restoration, etc., etc., will be sent on to you later in Detroit.