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New York

June 21st, 1939

Dear Mrs. Girvin:

Since Mr. Dillman's letter to me of May 21st, I am without news about his condition, and how he is getting along.

I am sending, with the same mail, a letter addressed to him. Would you kindly be good enough to forward same in case he is absent from Palm Beach?

I also would appreciate it if you would kindly let me have his address, and should he be in Rochester, how I can reach him so that I can at least send him a telegram and a few flowers while he is there. You know that if one is ailing in a hospital there is nothing more welcome than a thought from a friend. 

I hope all is well with you, and that you do not have to suffer from the heat as much as we do here lately.

With many good wishes and kindest personal regards, I am

Always sincerely,

Mrs. Georgena Girvin
Sandy Loam Farm
West Palm Beach, Florida