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I will send Charlie ten dollars for Cristmas and I hope it will be a merry one
It will be a merry one for me if we get into Savanna by that time I would not have mirred this Campagin for anything All the B boys Old Abe is Elected that is all [[insert]] right [[/insert]] are well
       Camp on the Savanna[[strikeout]] h [[/strikeout]] River
 My Dear Aunt Kate
      Well Kate here we
are four miles from the doomed City of Savanna we are lying right along the river bank [[?]] expecting every minute to get orders to Cross the river into south Carolina but the rebs have got a batery right opposite to us and we must go over in the night I think we can do it with a small loss for all the boys want the 20 Corps to get over there first. We left Atlanta on the 15 of November got here on the 10 of Dec. We burned the City of Atlanta before we left. we passed several of the rebel Officers plantations on our route We passed through Madison a splendid little town We also passed through [[?]] Eatonton Milidgeville It is not much of a City although there are some hansome houses there The rebs all left there and went to Macon they though we would Attach them there and they would make a strong resistance so as to give the people through the towns past of the