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Postkarte — Carte Postale — Post card — Cartolina postale -
Briefkaart - Brefkort - Correspondenzkart -
Dopisnica - Karta korespondencyina - Levelezö-Lap
Union postale universelle — Weltpestvein - Union postale universelle
Tarjeta postal — Cartäo postal — ОТКРЬІОЕ ПИСЬМО [[open letter]]

[[address block]]
[[postmark stamp & cancellation lines, CHICAGO  1910I LL. [[? ?]] ?0]] 1-30 AM]]
[[green, one cent U. S. Postage stamp with the image of Benjamin Franklin]]

Helen Timm
284[[8?]] W. 23 st.
[[/address block]]

[[message block]]
Dear Helen  xxx
I will be over your house this Wednesday Night About 7:30 Oclock  I got a Friend For your lady Friend From your best Friend Charlie R
2745 So 42 ave.
[[Ansure? Back?]] xxxxxxxx
[[card logo: initials PFB Serie 7324
[[/message block]]

Transcription Notes:
From depressions in the paper it appears that the card stock image was embossed.