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The Horizon
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The Missouri Legislature has passed a bill appropriating 425,000 for a Negro demonstration building.

[[paragraph symbol]] Eight dancing pupils of Miss Carriebel Cole have received certificates at Washington, D. C.

[[paragraph symbol]] There were 115 colored students graduated from High Schools in the State of Ohio in 1919.

[[paragraph symbol]] The New York Academy, a Negro institution which teaches stenography and typewriting, has seventy-five students and eighteen graduates this year.

[[paragraph symbol]] The Alpha Phi Alpha, a colored international fraternity organized in 1906 now has twenty chapters an 1,500 members. Of these members ninety-seven were commissioned officers in the United States Army.

[[caption]] P.L. ROBESON [[/caption]]

[[paragraph symbol]] Students of Livingstone College in two recent science rallies raised over $300 for physical and chemical apparatus. 

[[paragraph symbol]] Owen Smaulding, a Negro senior in the Albuquerque High School, has been elected Captain-Manager of the track team. Mr. Smaulding is conceded to be the greatest all-around athlete in the state of New Mexico.

[[paragraph symbol]] Morehouse College has been appropriated $165,000 by the General Education Board for immediate improvements.

[[paragraph symbol]] J. Henry Alston has been elected Senior scholar in Psychology at Clark University, Worcester, Mass., for the year 1919-20. Mr. Alston was a Lincoln University A. B. '17 graduate and is now principal of the Normal School Department of Paine College, Augusta, Ga.

[[paragraph symbol]] Sol Butler, the Negro sprinted of Dubuque College, won thirty-two out of fifty-two points for his school in the meet with Coe Collage, which was the victor with eight-four points.  Mr. Butler was the feature of the meet, winning five first, two second, and one third of the eight events in which he participated.

[[paragraph symbol]] The main building of Princess Anne Academy, a branch of Morgan college, Baltimore, Md., has been destroyed by fire supposed to have originated from an overheated stove in the laundry. The loss, partly covered by insurance, is between $15,000 and $20,000.
[[paragraph symbol]] At the fiftieth anniversary of Rutgers' College Chapter, February 22, 1919, four under-graduates were initiated to membership in the Phi Beta Kappa.  Among these was Paul L. Roberson, a Negro, who leads the Senior Class both in scholarship and athletics.

For four years Mr. Robeson has been a member of the Football Team, and during the season 1917-1918 he gained national fame by being selected as All-American and by Walter Camp; he has won his varsity letter as center on the Basketball Team, catcher on the Baseball Team, and weight thrower on the Track Team; he has also been a member of the Debating Team. In 


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June, 1919, he will be graduated with the degree of [[italics]] Bachelor of Arts [[/italics]]; then he will study law.

[[paragraph symbol]] Sarah Bond graduates from Wadleigh High School, New York, without failing in any subject and with a clean character record.


In England, works by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor continue to find a prominent place on concert programs. An impressive performance of "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast" was given at Town Hall, Birmingham, this spring; at Plymouth, the Lancaster Choral Society gave the part-song "Song of the Peddlar"; and the Band of the R. M. L. I., Plymouth Division, played works of this composer on a late program; at Glasgow, Scotland, the Singer Mixed-Voice Choir rendered "Summer is Gone."

[[paragraph symbol]] That the daughter of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor has inherited her father's genius is proven by recently published pieces and by successful concert appearances in London.

[[paragraph symbol]] Carl Ditton's arrangement of "Deep River" for mixed voices was performed at one of the music festival concerts, with Mr. Diton conducting.

[[paragraph symbol]] Under the management of Mrs. Daisy Tapley, the final recital in a series of educational recitals was given at the Rush Memorial Church, New York City, on May 22. The artists were William H. Richardson, baritone of Boston, Mass.; Carl Diton, piano soloist, and Maud Cuney Hare at the piano.

[[paragraph symbol]] Santiago Sanchez, clarinetist, is a talented musician of color, now appearing with "The Six Musical Spillers" in the revue "Peek-a-Boo" at the Columbia Theatre, New York City.  Mr. Sanchez was formerly a member of an operatic orchestra in Cuba.

[[paragraph symbol]]  The Freshman Class Song of Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass., for the first time in the school's history was judged the winner in the song competition held on Founder's Day. The music was written by a colored student, Miss Marietta Bonner, who was the winner in the Freshman Class Song Competition held earlier in the year.

[[paragraph symbol]] Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Caruso and officials of the Atlanta Music Festival Association visited Morris Brown University to hear Negro melodies sung by the students. Mr. Caruso rendered an impromptu recital, including three opera solos, while Mrs. Caruso made what is said to be her first public speech. 

[[paragraph symbol]] Mr. Wilson Lamb, the Negro baritone, in recital at AEolian Hall, New York City, rendered a program which included compositions of Schubert, Borodin, Hahn, Lully, Rachmaninoff, Brahms, Coleridge Taylor, an air from Verdi's "Ernani" and Negro Spirituals. The New York Tribune says: "He has a naturally fine, resonant voice, which is intelligently controlled, and the inherently emotional nature of his race."

[[paragraph symbol]] Two thousand colored school children held an impressive May Fete at Houston, Texas.

[[paragraph symbol]] The members of the 369th Regiment Band are setting aside a portion of their receipts from concerts toward a monument for the late Lieutenant James Reese Europe.

[[paragraph symbol]] An All-American Composers' Festival held at Wanamaker's store, New York City included American Negro Spirituals.

[[paragraph symbol]] The Alumni of the Booker T. Washington School, Indianapolis, Ind., presented the Japanese operetta "Princess Chrysanthemum," to provide for a memorial to ninety-seven members of the Alumni Association who entered military service.


On Arbor Day, April 27, Lincoln School, Sharon Hill, Pa., planted twelve memorial trees of Norway Maple–two in memory of young men, both members of the 368th Infantry, who lost their lives, while the others were dedicated to the 92d and 93d Divisions, the Women of the War, the Stevedores and the battles in which Negro soldiers distinguished themselves. Mr Howard A. Fisher says: "We are determined that our children shall know the truth!"

[[paragraph symbol]] The League for Democracy, and organization of Negro officers who served in the recent war has written an open letter to the Secretary of War concerning the letter of Colonel Allen J. Greer to Senator McKellar (published in the May, 1919, CRISIS) which says in part: "We cannot permit our descendants to read this letter in future histories and look upon our graves with scorn and contempt for permitting them to be branded as moral lepers, cowards and dogs before they were born. In this matter our slogan is 'Greer must be tried and the race vindicated.'"

[[paragraph symbol]] The Black Belt counties of North Carolina