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Negro business men in Los Angeles, Cal., have organized the Pacific Coast Cotton Manufacturing Company, with Attorney C. H. Alston, president. This company is negotiation to purchase 6,000 acres of land in the Imperial Valley for settlement by Negro farmers from the South.

Of thirty-six states questioned by the Federal Employment Service as the unemployment, twenty Northern States reported as surplus of labor, ten states reported an equality, six Southern States reported a shortage. Out of nine states in the country reporting a shortage of labor eight are in the South: Mobile, 500; Jacksonville, 1,000; Pensacola, 700; Columbia, S. C., 1,000; Charleston, 500; Wilmington, N. C., 75; Memphis, 700; Columbus, Ga., 1,000 unskilled Negro laborers. 

Colored people in Harlem have recently bought four building on 137th Street.

A Co-operative Home Industry Association has been formed among the Negro residents of Holly, La. It owns 1,500 acres of land, a cotton gin and a store. 

The Pyramid Building and Loan Association has been organized in Chicago. Six hundred and ninety-nine shares have already been sold to 105 persons. 

Alabama is still profiting by the discredited convict lease system. Laborers are being leased now at thirty to fifty-five dollars a month. 

The Strand Theatre, Broad Street, Richmond, Va., has been purchased for $113,000 cash by John Mitchell, editor and owner of The Planet, and other Negroes. It is the only property on the main thoroughfare of the principal shopping district which is not owned by white people. The buyers have obtained from the State Corporation Commission a charter for the Unique Amusement Company. 


A LARGE number of Negroes responded to the invitation of the Alabama Dental Association, a white organization, to be guests at its Golden Anniversary, held in Tutwiler Hotel, Birmingham, and formed the Alabama Dental Society, with Dr. M. W. Watkins, president.

At the fifteenth biennial convention of the International Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen and Oilers recently held in Washington, D. C., there were thirty Negro delegates in attendance out of 400 delegates present. Mr. J. E. Thornton, a Negro of Norfolk, Va., was elected Seventh Vice-President.

The Boys' Club Federation held a conference in Chicago, Ill., May 21-23, in the Great Northern Hotel, at which the Wissahickon School Club, a Negro organization, was awarded first prizes for shoe repairing and cooking. 

The twelfth annual convention of the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses will be held in Boston, Mass., August 19-22. 

The annual meeting and banquet of the Association of Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Columbia, an organization of Negroes, has been held. President Eugene Brooks and all incumbent officers were re-elected, except Acting Steward Frayne Payne who declined re-election and will be succeeded by Mr. Hilmer Gray. The following Board of Directors was elected: Judge R. H. Terrell, E. M. Hewlett, John P. Atkinson, Walter Singleton and George W. Stewart. 

THE Beatty Equal Rights Bill has been defeated in the Lower House of the Ohio Legislature by a 35-16 vote; as a result the Colored Women's Republican Club, in Columbus, has cut its party affiliations and become The Colored Women's Independent Political League. Mrs. Rosa Moorman, president, declared that when she took a petition asking favorable action of the hill to men "whom we helped elect," they were utterly out of sympathy with the movement.
Considerable numbers of colored people are registering as voters at Columbia. S. C. 

FIFTY colored girls of the Y. W. C. A. in San Antonia, Tex., have formed the Five Cent Agency. They go our and collect once a month five cents apiece from each of their friends for the support of club work among colored girls. As much as $86 has been collected in one day by those girls. 

A five-day campaign of the colored Y. M. C. A., Washington D. C., for 500 members has resulted in 1,555 new members. Mr. John W. David is the executive secretary of this branch. 

In recent six and one-half mile road

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Race in New York, the St. Christopher Club, a Negro organization, finished with six runners in the first sixteen, an unusual accomplishment. 

A colored nurse has been engaged by the Health Department of Charlotte, N. C. 

The University Commission on Southern Race Questions, a white organization, at its ninth annual meeting after praising Negro soldiers makes this appeal to college men: "Let us seek to cultivate a more tolerant spirit, a more generous sympathy and a wider degree of co-operation between the best elements of both races; to emphasize the best rather than the worst features of inter-racial relations; to secure greater publicity for those whose vows are based on reason rather than prejudice." 

The New Orleans Area of the C. M. E. Church has in sixty days raised $91,378 in cash, with subscriptions amounting to $430,189 pledged in the Centenary Drive. 

At Raleigh, N. C., during last year the State Division of Education and Health Work Among Negroes organized 410 Community Leagues with membership of over 15,000. There were held 494 public meetings, reaching nearly 60, 000 Negroes, and through the distribution of literature 112,000 additional Negroes we're reached. The response to this effort has been so satisfactory that the work has been enlarged. 

The Nutrition Clinics Delicate Children has extended its work to serve the Negro race, by the establishment of such clinics in hospitals, schools and child-helping centers. It has headquarters at 44 Dwight Street, Boston, Mass. 

THE following lynchings have taken place since last record:
Blakely, Ga., April —.—Wilbur Little, beaten to death; accused of wearing his uniform too long. 

Forrest City, Ark., April 23.—Sam McIntyre, hanged; accused of the murder of a Negro farmer. The lynching was the result of indignation because his lawyers obtained a postponement of trial.

Monroe, La., April 29.—George Holden, shot to death; accused of writing insulting notes to a white woman. 

Hickory, N. C., April 29, Tom Gwyn, "spirited away"; charged with having attacked a white girl. 

Warrenton, Ga., May 2, Benny Richards, riddled with bullets and burned; alleged to have murdered his wife.

Plano, Tex., May 5 Tom Embrey, shot and killed in his barricaded home, after holding off armed citizens and officers for four hours; he attempted to kill his wife. 

Pickens, Miss., May 9.—A Negro man and a Negro woman; accused of writing an insulting note to a white woman. 

Dublin, Ga., May 15, Jim Walters; accused of assaulting a white girl.
Vicksburg, Miss., May 15, Lloyd Clay, burned; alleged to have assaulted a white woman. One thousand persons witnessed the lynching and burning. 

McHenry, Miss., May 20, Will Moore; alleged to have killed H. H. Rogers, manager of saw mill.

Eldorado, Ark., May 22, Frank Livingston, burned to death alleged to have killed Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Clay, his employers, after a quarrel.