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332 THE CRISIS ADVERTISER [[box]] National Training School DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA A School for the Training of Colored Young Men and Women for Service Though it is young in history, the Institution feels a just pride in the work thus far accomplished, for its graduates are already filling many responsible positions, thus demonstrating the aim of the school to train men and women for useful citizenship. DEPARTMENTS ALREADY ESTABLISHED The Grammar School The Teacher Training Department The Academy The Divinity School The School of Arts and Sciences The Commercial Department The Department of Music The Department of Home Economics The Department of Social Science NEXT TERM OPENED SEPTEMBER 22, 1919 For further information and Catalog, address President James E. Shepard, Durham, North Carolina [[/box]] [[box]] The Cheyney Training School for Teachers CHEYNEY, PENNA. A normal school of high grade for young colored men and women of good abilities, who desire to prepare themselves to be teachers. Courses include the regular academic and professional subjects, and special departments in domestic art, domestic science, manual training and agriculture. Board and tuition $125. Next regular term began Thursday, September 18, 1919. Summer school for teachers in active service, four weeks beginning July 1. Board and tuition for the month $20.00. For further particulars and catalog write Leslie Pinckney Hill, Principal, Cheyney, Penna. [[/box]] [[box]] A. & T. COLLEGE GREENSBORO, N.C. The NEGRO AGRICULTURAL and TECHNICAL COLLEGE offers to the Negro youth of the state opportunities that none can afford to neglect. 1. The English Department offers practical courses in Literary Training. 2. Mechanical graduates and undergraduates take high rank in Mechanical pursuits such as Carpentry, Bricklaying, Plastering, Blacksmithing, Auto-Mechanics and Broom-making, etc. 3. The Agricultural Department gives students carefully arranged work both in theoretical and practical branches of agriculture, as Dairying, Greenhouse Work, Poultry, Bee Culture, Field Crops, etc. 4. The Teacher Training Department prepares young men to meet the demands for trained industrial teachers. Graduates will find a useful and remunerative field. 5. The Reserve Officers' Training Corps, under direct supervision of U.S. Officers gives Physical and Military Training. Free uniforms in four years (4) worth about $160.00, and those who successfully and satisfactorily complete the first two years work cash fees allowed amounting to over $100.00 annually. Graduates from this division will be eligible for a commission from the President of the United States for position as Second Lieutenants in the U.S. Army. 6. Night School for those who cannot attend the Day Classes. Fall Term began September 1st, 1919. Lodging capacity limited to 150 students. Those preferring to room on campus should arrange Lodging Reservations at once. For further information, address J.B. DUDLEY, President [[/box]] Mention THE CRISIS. THE CRISIS ADVERTISER 333 Atlanta University Is beautifully located in the City of Atlanta, Ga. The courses of study include High School, Normal School and College, with Manual training and domestic science. Among the teachers are graduates of Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth and Wellesley. Fifty years of successful work have been completed. Students come from all parts of the south. Graduates are almost universally successful. For further information address President EDWARD T. WARE ATLANTA, GA. [[box]] IN NEW YORK CITY as in other communities throughout the country LINCOLN UNIVERSITY graduates are AT THE TOP in Medicine, Ministry, Law and Social Service. Sixty-fifth year in College and Theological Seminary opened September 23, 1919. For catalog and information address President John B. Rendall, D.D. Lincoln University Chester County, Pa. [[box]] [[box]] 1870 CLARK UNIVERSITY 1919 ATLANTA, GEORGIA Beautiful campus overlooking the city. Comfortable buildings with modern conveniences; talented faculty; vigorous, religious atmosphere; excellent library and laboratories; co-educational; athletics. Admission only by application. Courses of Study: Domestic Science, Public Speaking, Music; Pre-Academy, Seventh and Eighth Grades. Academy or High School, four years with diploma. Pre-medical, two years above academy. Normal, two years above academy with diploma. College, four years with AB degree. Fiftieth year opened September 24, 1919. Expenses, $15.00 per month will cover all necessary expenses. HARRY ANDREWS KING, President. [[/box]] [[box]] The Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College Offers courses to leading certificates, diplomas and degrees. Nathan B. Young, President Tallahassee Florida [[/box]] WILEY UNIVERSITY MARSHALL, TEXAS Recognized as a college of the First Class by Texas and Louisiana State Boards of Education. Harvard, Yale and Columbia represented on its faculty; students gather from ten different states. Strongest Music Department in the West M.W. DOGAN, President MOREHOUSE COLLEGE (Formerly Atlanta Baptist College) ATLANTA, GA. College, Academy, Divinity School An institution famous within recent years for its emphasis on all sides of manly development—the only institution in the far South devoted solely to the education of Negro young men. Graduates given high ranking by greatest northern universities. Debating, Y.M.C.A., athletics, all live features. For information, address JOHN HOPE, President. FISK UNIVERSITY NASHVILLE, TENN. Founded 1866 Thorough Literary, Scientific, Educational, Musical and Social Science Courses. Pioneer in Negro music. Special study in Negro life. Ideal and sanitary buildings and grounds. Well-equipped Science building. Christian home life. High standard of independent manhood and womanhood. For literature, etc., write FAYETTE AVERY McKENZIE, President [[box]] BIDDLE UNIVERSITY CHARLOTTE, N.C. Biddle University, operated under the auspices of the Northern Presbyterian Church, has four Departments—High School, Arts and Sciences Theological and Industrial. The completion of Grammar School course is the requirement for entrance to the first year of the High School. The School of Arts and Sciences offers two courses of study, the Classical and the Scientific. In the scientific, German is substituted for Greek or Latin. The entrance requirement for the Freshman Class is 15 units of High School work. The Theological Department offers two courses, each consisting of three years. The first is purely English. Greek and Hebrew are taught in the others. All students in the High School Dept. are required to take trades in the Industrial Dept. For further information, address President H. L. McCrorey, Charlotte, N.C. [[/box]] Morris Brown University Atlanta, Ga. Co-Educational The largest institution of learning in the South owned and controlled by Negroes. Faculty of specialists, trained in some of the best universities in the North and in the South. Noted for high standard of scholarship; industrial emphasis and positive Christian influence. Well equipped dormitories; sane athletics under faculty supervision. Expenses reasonable. Location central and healthful. Departments: Theology, College Preparatory, Normal, Commercial, Musical, Domestic Science, Nurse Training, Sewing, Printing and Tailoring. First Semester began September 10, 1919. For further information address W.A. FOUNTAIN, President BISHOP J.S. FLIPPER, Chairman Trustee Board Mention THE CRISIS.