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Next Session Opens October 1, 1919

Candidates for admission must be graduates of approved Colleges or Scientific Schools with two years of instruction, including laboratory work, in physics, chemistry and biology, English, mathematics and French or German, or graduates of recognized high schools with two years of instruction, including laboratory work, in physics, chemistry and biology, English, mathematics and French or German.

The course of instruction occupies four years, and especial emphasis is laid upon practical work in the laboratories, in the wards of Freedman's Hospital and in the Dispensary.

Full corps of instructors, well equipped laboratories, unexcelled hospital facilities.

The Medical College is rated in Class A by the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association and is a member of the Association of American Medical Colleges. Recognized by the Conjoint Board of England.

Requires for admission the completion of a recognized four-year high school course. The course of instruction occupies four years. Unexcelled facilities for practical work.

Requires for admission the completion of a recognized four-year high school course. The course of instruction occupies three years and leads to the degree of Pharmaceutical Chemist.

The annual announcement, application blanks and additional information concerning either course may be obtained by addressing
Fifth and W Streets, N.W.,  Washington, D.C.

What would you like to do? Here's what our graduates are doing.

Principals of district schools ... 163
Teachers in rural schools ... 296
Principals in secondary or high schools ... 24
Teachers in grammar or high schools ... 90
Doctors ... 41
Lawyers ... 5
Dentists ... 8
Pharmacists ... 3
Druggists ... 10
Working at trades ... 302
Bankers ... 1
U.S. Government Service ... 38
Jeanes teachers ... 7
Directors of book establishments ... 2
Editors and Journalists ... 8
Bookkeepers ... 15
U. S. Farm Demonstrators ... 2
Undertakers and Embalmers ... 6
Contractors and Builders ... 8
U.S. Bureau of Education ... 1
Farmers ... 340
Housekeepers ... 498
Dead and unaccounted for ... 398
Total ... 2266

State Agricultural and Mechanical Institute


Beautiful Colored Dolls and Calendars With Negro Subjects for 1920

Sleeping eye, solid bisque, fully jointed, natural brown color, dark hair, eighteen inches high. Sent prepaid for $4.00. This is without a doubt one of the greatest doll bargains of the season. These dolls are popular priced and fully guaranteed to be just as represented. All bisque Kewpie doll, no hair, fifteen inches high, sent prepaid for $2.25.

A great line of Art and Commercial Calendars for the home and for the advertising trade; about thirty-five subjects from which to select, including rural and various scenes. Prices, $4.00, $5.00 and $9.00 per hundred, $30.00, $40.00 and $80.00 per thousand. Samples for agents sent for 50c. Our agents are doing well selling these goods. This is one of the best bargains of the season. Send for samples and make money. Address:

63 Park Row, New York, N.Y.

Vol. 19 No.1   NOVEMBER, 1919
Whole No. 109

Opinion of W.E.B. Du Bois


FORGIVE US, while we hide our diminished head. We had contracted for a new, large suit of clothes on our Ninth Birthday, and behold us, in short clothes.

Forgive us, it is the Printers' Strike.


At no previous period in the history of the Negro in America has he been confronted with a more critical situation than today. The forces of prejudice against which we are fighting seem determined to keep twelve millions of American in the bondage of prejudice because of race, while those twelve millions are determined as never before to achieve the status of citizens—full and unlimited by caste or color. When two forces of such magnitude meet, a critical situation is inevitable and such a one is upon us today.

There are those who are attempting to becloud the issue by declaring that the present unrest and discontent is due to influences other than natural resentment against wrong. Such persons are making such absurd statements either through ignorance of the facts or because they know the facts and are attempting to shift the responsibility for the half-century of lynching, disfranchisement, peonage, "Jim-Crowism" and injustice of every sort practiced on the Negro.

We do not countenance violence. Our fight is against violence. We are fighting—as we always have fought—for the reign of law over the reign of the mob. No sane man or woman can for a minute advise any group to use the torch or the gun to right the wrong of violence. Only in self defense can such a course ever be considered justifiable.

But we must fight and we are going to fight in every legitimate and lawful way until our problem is entirely settled. To do this we need greater organization, energy, funds and courage that ever before. The call is to you to rally to the support of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and help in the fight to make America safe for the colored man.

THE following resolution has been introduced into both houses of Congress: 
RESOLVED, "That the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States Senate be, and it is hereby, authorized and directed at as early a date as possible, by subcommittee, to investigate the race riots in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, and other cities of the United States, and to investigate lynchings which have occurred in different parts of the United States, and to ascertain as far as possible the causes for such race riots and lynchings, and report what remedy or remedies should be employed to prevent the recurrence of the same; said subcommittee shall have power to have meetings in any part of the United States, to call and examine witnesses, to examine papers, and to take such action as may be necessary to secure the facts."

Will every reader of THE CRISIS write or wire his senator and representative urging the