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300 THE CRISIS ADVERTISER Poindexter has long been one of the best of THE CRISIS agents. President H.T. Kealing of Quindaro College, Kan., is dead. The Boston Literary and Historical Society at a meeting in Faneuil Hall on the birthday of Frederick Douglass, presented a loving cup to the Honorable Moorfield Storey, President of the N.A.A.C.P., as an appreciation of the colored citizens for his uncompromising stand for fair play for Negroes. Among the speakers were Governor McCall, Mayor Peters, Rev. Messrs. W.D. Auten and W.D. McLane. GHETTO. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, Kingston, Canada, will no longer admit Negro students, because of inadequate clinical practice in local hospitals. The fourteen Negro students now at Queen's will be transferred to other colleges to complete their courses. Two thousand Negroes marched to the State Capitol in Nashville, Tenn., and presented to Governor Rye their protest against mob murder. On February 18, 1917, Howard Warren was killed at his home in Temple, Tex., because of alleged association with the wife of his employer. The following lynchings have taken place since our last record: Benton, La., January 26, Jim Hudson, hanged; living with a white woman. Fayetteville, Ga., February 7, "Bud" Cosby, hanged; intent to rob and kidnapping. Estill Springs, Tenn., February 12, Jim McIlheron, burned; accused of shooting to death two white men. G.W. Lynch, who hid McIlheron, was shot to death by the posse. Fairfax, S.C., February 23, Walter Best, hanged; accused of murder. Rayville, La., February 26, Jim Lewis, Jim Jones and Will Powell; two hanged and one shot to death, accused of stealing hogs. In the fray one white man and one Negro were killed in the exchange of shots. Willacoochee, Ga., Ed. Dansey, shot. He had killed two white officers and wounded three others. [[Column 2]] Wanted: Young Lady Stenographer, For particular address The Royal Fraternal Association Box 371, Charlotte, N.C [[boxed ad]] WANTED: by Graduate Registered Nurse with executive ability--highly recommended--position in a first-class institution or with an invalid. No objection to travelling. References exchanged. Address: Registered Nurse, in care of the CRISIS, 70 5th Ave., New York City.[[/boxed ad]] [[boxed ad]] Domestic Science Teacher wishes position as MATRON, STEWARDESS OR TEACHER For information address H.L in care of the CRISIS. 70 5th Avenue New York City[[/boxed ad]] [[boxed ad]]I will be through your territory soon Kindly save your orders for me W.H. HARELSTON Made to Measure CLOTHES NEW YORK [[/boxed ad]] OIL--THE MASTER FORTUNE BUILDER Will give you information of Uncle Sam's Third Greatest Industry OIL! This is free for asking Send Postal Card to the following address Fred S. Burton 1837 Arapahoe St. Denver Colo.[[/boxed ad]] [[line across ending ads]] Is it a token of Spring's Joy to your friend? Then make it a year's subscription to THE CRISIS. A year's subscription to THE CRISIS will be given to anyone sending in at one time five new paid-up yearly subscriptions to THE CRISIS. The offer holds good until midnight of May 31, 1918. [[end columns]] Mention THE CRISIS [[end page]] [[start page]] THE CRISIS ADVERTISER 301 [[boxed ad whole page]] SOUTHERN AID SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA, Inc. Sells Insurance That Protects Insurance that covers the whole field of life's emergencies in one policy: Sickness, Accident and Death, and perpetual in payments for disabilities. Of all investments that of insurance is the safest, because it pays at the crucial moment--it is not subject to the money market or the rise and fall of stocks and bonds; but pays promptly upon the death of each policy-holder. Then why not select the best that is to be had--a policy that pays every week with Southern Aid Society of Va., Inc.? Also owning and operating the Va. Beneficial & Insurance Co., Inc., at Norfolk, Va. Read a few testimonials from the thousands that are on file at home office in Richmond, Va. -------- DREW $217.50 SICK BENEFITS and $500.00 DEATH CLAIM! Richmond, Va. July 2, 1917. To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that my wife, Mrs. Lelia V. James, 1104 Chaffin Street, was a member of Southern Aid Society of Va., Inc., for six and one-half years. During this time, she was sick on several occasions and whenever she reported her illness to the Society, she received her sick dues promptly. Her last illness extended from the latter part of November, 1916, to June, 1917. The Society sent her money to her bedside each week, from December 6, 1916, to June 6, 1917, and at her death paid over to me the Death Claim of $500.00. I take pleasure in recommending the Southern Aid Society of Va., Inc., to anyone who wants a sure policy of protection all through life. Respectfully yours, GEORGE JAMES, Husband CLARENCE JAMES, Witness. ---------- $500.00 DR. THOS. A. STEVENS' DEATH CLAIM 1007 Sixth St., Lynchburg, Va. February 10, 1917. Southern Aid Society of Va., Inc., Richmond, Va. Gentlemen: Kindly accept my sincere thanks for your check of $500.00 in full payment of death claim of my husband, Dr. Thomas A. Stevens, who died February 6, 1917. The above named check was delivered to me Thursday, February 8, 1917, by your superintendent, Mr. R. D. Burton. I shall always speak in the highest terms of your company, and pray God's blessings upon the work. Respectfully, MRS. THOMAS A. STEVENS. ---------- Southern Aid Society of Virginia, Inc. HOME OFFICE: 527 N. 2nd St., Richmond, Va. District offices and agencies in all the principal cities of the State. INSURES AGAINST SICKNESS, ACCIDENT AND DEATH. A. D. PRICE, President. THOS. M. CRUMP, Secretary. B. L. JORDAN, Asst. Secretary. [[/boxed ad]] Mention THE CRISIS.
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I'm new to this, sorry if I made some mistakes..
-You did well. Look out for spellings - we transcribe words however the original is spelled, even if it's a typo or modern American English would be otherwise. Retain the original if a word is in all caps (LIKE THIS). Welcome to the project!