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OSCAR DEPRIEST, the colored alderman in Chicago, ILL., who was charged by the State with conspiracy to protect gambling, has been found not guilty by the jury.

Judge Butler of the County Court at West Chester, Pa., handed down a decision in favor of Mrs. Rebecca Simms, a colored woman who refused to send her children to a basement schoolroom in a Downingtown, Pa., institution.

David Wood, a Negro charged with vagrancy, induced a local Justice of the Peace in San Diego, Cal., to impanel a jury of Negroes. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty and Wood was set free.

At Jackson, Miss., in the case of Jackson Holt vs. Illinois Central, the jury awarded the Negro plaintiff $5,000 for injuries received when shot by a special agent of the defendant company.

Because a number of colored laborers have migrated to Jamestown, N.Y., to take positions with the Gurney Ball Bearing Company, the white residents started a movement to prohibit colored people from coming to Jamestown to live. Corporation Counsel Price informed the segregationists that he doubted "both the wisdom and legality of such action," and the movement failed.

Colored women delegates to the Northeastern Federation caused the Smith-Lever rights bill to be enforced in Stamford, Conn.

Justice Strahl in the 6th District Municipal Court, Brooklyn, N.Y., has decided against Keeney's theatre for discriminating against Misses Dorothy Hampton and Katherine Mars.

Residents in the eastern section of Trenton, N.J., are opposing the erection of two portable Negro schools in that neighborhood.

The commission on the unification of the Methodist Churches in America has adjourned failing to reach an agreement as to whether colored Methodists in the South should have a seat in the law-making body. The conferees will meet in January in a southern city.

The Potomac Steamboat Company has been ordered by the Interstate Commerce Commission to abolish its color line through the agitation of a committee of colored citizens in Washington, D.C.

The Georgia Sheriffs' Association is protesting against "Jim-Crow" car rides while taking colored prisoners from one town to another.

White citizens of South Nashville, Tenn., protested against the establishment of a colored church in their community and succeeded in having the transaction canceled.

Because he is colored, J.H. Fuller has twice been refused appointment in the Post Office at Danville, Va.

A white man, Cecil Dupont, has been sentenced to life imprisonment in the State Penitentiary at Railford, Fla., for criminal assault on a colored child. 

The Board of Education in San Antonio, Tex., as increased the salary of white teachers ten dollars per month; colored teachers five dollars per month.

Max Kohler, a contractor in Paris Ky., who married a colored woman and is the father of their two children, has found that he is white. His relatives now refuse to recognize him. 

Two white men were killed and more than one hundred white and colored people injured as a result of race rioting in Chester, Pa.

Thirty guardsmen and a score or more colored people in Youngstown, O., resorted to rioting. 

The following lynchings have taken place since our last record:
Riesel, Tex., June 23, Elijah Hays, beaten to death for striking a white man.
Reform, Ala., July 16, unidentified man hanged, charged with petty burglary.
Pickens County, Ala., July 23, Poe Hibbler, hanged - attempted assault on a white girl.
Montgomery, Ala., July 25, Will Powell and Jesse Powell, hanged, charged with hold-up.
Amite, La., July 30, Dan Rout and Jerry Rout, charged with murdering Simeon Bennett. 
Garland City, Okla., July 31, Arland Avery, charged with assault and robbery on William Woods, a white contractor.
Butte, Mont., Aug. 1, Frank Little, white, hanged; he was a member of the executive board of the I. W. W.


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