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Monday, January 2, 1928

This morning after many telephone messages, Carl B. and I decided NOT to go skating, so he came over. We played the Victor. He was nice, awfully youngish - but quite nice, and we had fun! Then lunch with Jean Marks - and again the Victor with some new records. Then tea-dancing with Gail, Julia B, and George Haklo, (cousin of Gail's) who has "fallen for me" — I've never had a more boring afternoon. All but one dance with that fool. He is so stupid! Golly! Gail said he had made a list of the order in which he liked 10 girls. I think I will —


1. AL GILBERT    | or it might be |
2. Orvil Dryfoos | 1. A.V.G. |
3. Dan House(?)  | 2. Orvil  | or even|
4. Dick Gruenberg | 3. Dick Gruenberg |
5. Jerry          | 4. Dan House | 5. Jerry |
6. Gail           | 5. Jerry     |    Gail |
7. Peanuts        | 6. Gail      | 6. Clarry |
8. Dick Amberg(?) | 7. Bob Jonas | 7. Bob J.
                  |              | 8        |
9. Bob Jonas(?)   | 8. Clarry or | 9. Peanuts
10. Clarry        | 9. Peanuts  | 10. Dick A|
                  | 10. Dick Amberg|

I don't know. All I do know is that Al is the darlingest of all—! Al


Tuesday, January 3, 1928

Tuesday mornings! - Well, this was one of the nicest - We walked down Columbus Avenue - and arrived at school much too soon-- Ethics, Clubs, Math, Lunch - and - during lunch I met Dan who was very nice and asked me why I hadn't stayed at the Alumni Game! I gave him the peanuts I owed him - and he was cute. Then German, and History, and then Mr. Eyster said I could take the Test - I went to the Library, and I found myself opposite Al. It was so nice having him there - at first I couldn't work - but in a few minutes it made it much nicer - I think I passed! Hope so anyway. Then we both did home-work,and walked up to-gether. I didn't ask him up because I don't think Mother likes it so much - so he didn't - but we walked around the block twice instead! He was so darling! I wrote to him to-night - I don't know if it was crazy or not - well—!

In "Good News" she coaches him for a test - and in the test he writes "Mars and Venus sit looking at each other" - I almost wrote a note to him - it was funny!

Oh Al dear—

Transcription Notes:
Arrows were drawn in the columns as follows: Column 1: "9. Bob Jonas" was moved below "6. Gail" "8. Dick Amberg" was moved down to "9. Bob Jones" Column 2: "7. Bob Jonas was moved down to "8. Clarry" Column 3: "Gail" was moved to "8." ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-13 22:06:15