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Tuesday, January 10, 1928

I got up early - so I could meet Al - At 7:55, I did so - and we walked down.  I hope he passed his Chem Test!  Did some work on Chaucer! Ethics! Math!  Finally Dramatic Club and a few brief "high-signs" - Lunch, German, History, Then Alice, Susan, and I decided to walk up to Lincoln from school - We left at 2:05 and got there at 3:05 - It was 60 blocks, about a minute a block!  Fun?  You bet!  The game was great 26-12, our favor - SWELL - !!  Yea team. 

After the game "we" came home to-gether on the top of the bus.  We were all alone up there!  I don't know why - but I'm so AWFULLY - crazy about him - Everything I do, seems to connect with him in some way - and I hardly ever forget him - for a minute or so - !


Wednesday, January 11, 1928

Walked down with Carol Golby. Poor kid! Her mother is some "tyrant"! English and History — Just a waste of fourty minutes! And then I saw Al for one brief moment - he said something about "Allen Bernstein" that I didn't understand - but I'm so - so So happy that he spoke to me at all! — School — Then to the Museum - and a game, Delta-Alpha. I had a bet with Dan — I was for Alpha — He won 16 — 3 (?) I wonder why Al didn't stay — I came back especially for that — — well — it was a good game -

I think when I'm at camp I'll let him keep this - under trust not to read it — because it would be discovered around here — and I don't want ANYONE to read it yet - It's a part of me that would be laughed at — and I don't want that to happen-

A whole day with only one sentence of his voice — and only one glance!

Darn —

I hope I get a letter!  —! I wonder if I should bother about Joan - She likes him - and he may think her O.K. - Is it more serious  NO - Alvi - no - Gee I hope it isn't! NO!

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-13 22:27:08