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a basket ball team etc.
Gil stopped me in the hall and said "Esther now I dont want you to be mad at me on the count of Floyd." That sure isn't the reason I'm mad at her. Then I went on and Merica stopped me and said
"Kid be sure and dont tell Gert what was in Floyd letter I've been telling her a lot of stuff" I'll have to find out what she said before I see Gert as Gert wants me to see her. Golda told me Gladys said Carey got a letter from Floyd and he said he wrote Gert and told her to go (censored) and she also said Carey's all took it as a joke about Gert writing that letter and going to see Mrs. Carey. But such is life. 
Class play is tomorrow night. I could have a date if I wanted it but dout as can have more fun with out a boy along.
Oh Daddy I sure wish I could go to ward Belmont next year But -

830 AM

Jan 28
Well Sunday dad let us have the car for a while. I was as much surprised as any one else. We came back at three and walked down town and over to Wilma's.
Helen Lambe called up and wanted Wilma to come over as her to boy cousins, Frank and Ralph were there, so we went with her. As cause fulfills Helen, Wilma, Ruth, Ralph, Frank and I went to league. Helen wanted to go to church so Frank went with her and Frank came home with us. Well accross the street from the Post Office. We saw two boys, thinking it was Fay and Leroy went over to meet them and left Ruth with Frank. It was Bob and Clive and they were going after the car and wanted us to go riding with them. So as we passed the house there stood Fay and Leroy and we went right out and ditched them. We were out riding about ten minutes and then I made them