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Wednesday, Jan. 29 700 PM

Well I had my date or rather walked down to the church with me. We said just because we had our little fusses that wasn't any reason we didn't need to speak. I told him about what Fay said about how the initials "C.M." and "L.A." come to be on his pipe and about him going with "C.M." gave him something to think about if nothing else I guess. Just then we reached the church. Well John Young, Tubby Wieland, and John Heckman, there were some others but they were the most important as there was Wilma, Ruth and I. As consequences we came home with them, Wilma with Tubby, John Y with Ruth and John H with me. Sure had a good time at the church To-day. I found out from Gert that Floyd, the little dear had the appendicitus and that was the reason none of us had heard from him.

The Seniors sure have had some row with Mr. Kennedy, as some

or rather, something like a hundred dollars was gone. Mr Kennedy didn't like their annual staff and tried to tell them where they could have it printed and where they couldn't. 

This evening Glenna and I went out to the National to take the Posters for the Girl Scouts out. We rode Chas Trough's bicycle, both of us, sure had some time. I stayed for supper with her and got back about half a hour [[strikethrough]] year [[/strikethrough]] ago, had chicken for supper and good things pickles, etc. Topsy cooked it all sure is some cook. Ruth has a date with __ tomorrow night, expect I'll have one also. Wilma has one. "Oh these wild wild women."

But shoot, what's the use.