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Monday Feb. 3.

Last Wednesday after I got home we went over to Helen K. but didn't stay long. Got back a little after nine, then Thursday night we went down to the church to practice for that thing on the Nations. Johnny H. took me home or rather we took Edna home and he brot me home. John Ynias with Ruth and Tubby with Wilma. Had a pretty good time.

Friday afternoon Anna Mae and I cut and went to Cannibals of the South Sea Islands. Then Friday night we were with Wilma Where ??? - Saturday we sold sandwitches. We thought the meal never would get here. Started to chase it down in Gea Bowers' car. But just as we got started good Leroy brought them. We rode for a while then came home. Dennah and I went out to the National and run out of Sandwiches but I rode to town and got more. We cleared $18 off our mornings work. Pretty good Saturday night I didn't go to the show, guess I just didn't want to. Sunday we went to Sunday school, went to practice that thing again Sunday afternoon and Sunday night we pulled it off some show! I say so, I was a chinaman, lots my wig on the stage. Well this morning I went to school and wondering what I would do if R.Y. had called up mother but as luck would have it I wasn't on. Oh I was glad, then we had chapel and Seward Metcalf spoke and we didn't have 3rd period (Geom Quiz) This afternoon Ruth cut. I finished "Vicky Van" by Carolyn Wells undoubtedly the best story I ever read. Keen, grande, swell just got back from the dentist. Had a tooth pulled. OW.