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SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1919

Dr. Frederic A. Hawke, Pastor.
Mrs. G. C. Mahley, Director of Music.                     
Miss Ruth Fulkerson, Organist.



Facts and figures about the Sunday Schools of America, Superintendent and school.

The Cradle Roll and Beginners' Department Tableaux, "Linking the Sunday School to the Home through the Cradle Roll," Mrs. J. Baird and Mrs. H. E. Carpenter, Cradle Roll children and Beginners' Department.
Song by Beginners' Department.
Talk by Beginners' Supt.
Talk by Primary Teacher.
Story by Baby Moses.......Bonnie DeGeer
Song by Primary Department. 
Talk by Junior Teacher......Miss Karnes
Reading of the 121st Psalm and Junior Motto.
Song by School.
Talk by Teacher of Intermediate Dept.....Mrs. McCoy
Salute to the Christian Flag.
Talk, "Spirit of Service"........Miss Merle Clark
Address ...... Pastor


The pastor has spent the past week in Winfield with his son, Dr. C. C. Hawke. He had the pleasure of attending the commencement exercises of Southwestern college and hearing the eloquent address of Dr. Murlin of New York.

The Program given this morning by the Sunday School has been greatly handicapped by the fact that the children forget to attend the rehearsals. Children's Day comes when teachers and pupils are in the midst of the closing exercises of school and allowances must be made.

There will be no Epworth League of evening service. The pastor preaches the baccalaureate sermon at the Jefferson.

The Standard Bearers will meet with Mrs. Milton McCoy, 601 Willow, on Monday night. All members and those who are interested come. 

The East Side Circle will meet with Mrs. Lizzie Cook on Wednesday afternoon.

The Second Ward Circle meets with Mrs. McCarty, 405 Elm, on Wednesday afternoon.

The W.F.M.S. will meet with Mrs. Fay Todd, 515 Willow, on Friday at 2:30.

Mrs. Mary Nesbit, state superintendent of the Soldiers and Sailors Work of the W.C.T.U., will lecture at the Christian church tonight.