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The Cast

Jones, who travels for a hymn-book house - Wilbur Padgett
Ebenezer Goodby, a professor of anatomy - William Carpenter
Antony Goodby, D. D., Bishop of Ballarat - W. E. Ziegler, Jr.
Richard Heatherly, engaged to Marjory - William Nelson
Thomas Holder, a policeman - Ralph Florea
William Bigbeen, an inmate of the sanitorium - Ray Ensch
Henry Fuller, superintendent of the sanitorium - Carl Eagle
Mrs. Goodby, Ebenezer's wife - Mary Masters
Cissy, Ebenezer's ward - Gladys Carey
Marjorie, Ebenezer's daughter - Frances Martin
Minerva, Ebenezer's daughter - Lucille Robey
Alvina Starlight, Mrs. Goodby's sister - Eula Schoffner
Helma, Swedish servent girl - Mildred Neale

Chorus: Isabella Price, Katherine Welker, Martha Read, Williamette Kiddoo, Margaret Welsh, Bonnie Plunkett, Vernice Pate, Opal Schoffner, Edgar McCoy, Fane Vawter, Charles Graves, Wayne McClelland, Carl Eagle.



The entire action of the play takes place in the drawing room of Prof. Goodby's home.

Time—The Present. Hour—7:15 p. m.


Duet - "Till We Meet Again" Isabella Price and Wilbur Padgett with Chorus
Waltz - Entire Cast

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