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Wed MAY 25 1960
Dear Diary
Today we went to school until 11:00 I came home and got ready for grad. I went to the beauty parlor at 4:00 My hair looked a mess (page-boy) My dress (white) was to shorte. Grant came and every thing turned out all right the dance wasn't to fun I had every body sign my autograph book. Grant came to pick me up after. I got a Autog. book, Diary, Radio, change purse, pen.

Thur. MAY 26 1960
Dear Diary, today we went back for our report cards on the back of mine it said "She has been a real doll - She is surely a credit to you". I think Conniff really is neat. A mess of us girls went down to Tower Plaza and messed around. Judy and I went to Bob's to eat. I was suppose to go to a slumber party but I didn't feel like it.