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Dear Diary
Today I went to the drugstore. I really have fun there I met a lot of kids. Ann came over for awhile [[a while] tonight. And Mike walked her home and stayed and played a game till 11.30 
Ann's floks [[folks]] went to Alpine for a wk. They'll be back Fri.
I got a letter from Tim today.

[[strikethrough]]Wed[[/strikethrough]] 1960 AUGUST [[strikethrough]]10 [[/strikethrough]] 11th Thurs.
Turn page for 10th ->

Dear Diary

Today I worked at the drugstore. Afterwards I went to Ann's. Mike came down later I met a boy named Duane and he called at Ann's so I talked to him for a [[an]] hour, then he came over.
So we all got together and play the same game we played Wed.
I got some material for a skirt its going to be black.