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Duncan Sunday, May 7
We went to Grannys house and mom bought me a purse. Ann and I walked up to the drugstore and I waited on customers. We went to the show and saw "The Waskiest Ship in the Army" it was all right. I saw Duane yesterday. He's going steady now.
Monday, May 8
We started home today and got in about 1:30 We went swimming  [[strikethrough]]went [[/strikethrough]] when we got home. Joe called but I was busy, I was spose to go to a party Sat. Al said he broke his date Sat and wanted to go to that party with me. But was a boy ask girl and boy asked me. I didn't have time to break it Fri. 
Tuesday, May 9
Last year I was Freshman rep. for G.A.A. and tonight they had a tea. I ran for Soph. but I didn't get it. I'm glad because I dont won't to belong next year. Mom went too. Al called but I wasn't home.
Wednesday, May 10
After school I invited Pam over to swim Suzanna invited herself. The family (except tom) went out fom Mex food. Pam too. She couldn't say alnight. Mom, Joan, bob went to a show.

Transcription Notes:
Does not include numbers on page that do not correlate to lines.