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Tuesday, May 23
Today I just had kids sign my annual. Our semester exams start Wed. I had Vience sign it. He was so surprised when I asked him to.

Wednesday, May 24
We dont have to dress out in P.E. anymore. I got a letter from Denis it was just frendily one. Alf called as usual. I had a real neat guy sign my annual today.

Thursday, May 25
Tonight Alfred called and every thing was alright for awhile until then we got into a big old fight and then I hung up. He waited for a few min. and then called me back he apoglised and said he was sorry.

Friday, May 26
Alfred called when I got home from school and asked me what time to pick me up. We had a lot of fun at the dance. I had a mess of kids sign my anual. I had a lot of fun at the dance with Alf.