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Saturday, June 24

Everybody went somewhere today. Mom and I barbcuqud [[barbecued]] and (Joan and the kids) steaks. they were real good. Mother and I went and got some material tonight. I got some for two pairs of burmadus [[bermudas]] and a shirt. Alfred went to the river all day and called when he got home. I reqused [[requested]] a song on the radio tonight for Al and I but I haven't heard it yet.

Sunday, June 25

I went to church today. When I got home I worked in my top and brumadas [[bermudas]]. Mother went to mass and communion today She back in the church. Alfred called about 9:00 and we talked till about 11:00. Today it got up to 114 degrees and it was real cloudy and humidit [[humid]]. Alfred and I sure have been getting along real good.

Monday, June 26

Today I got the house in order. I helped cook the dinner. When Mom got home her and I went to see "gone with the Wind." It was four hours long and one of the best shows I've ever seen. I didn't talk to Alfred all day but he called that night and I was gone.

Tuesday, June 27

This afternoon Alfred called and we got into a big fight and I just said I'd see ya later and then he didn't call back or anything. Mike and I went and got a coke and then went to Kachina. We saw Gordy and he introduced me to two other neat guys I've wanted to know all last year. My hair was in curlers and I had on cut off levis on. We had a race and then M and I went & messed around with G.