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Wednesday, June 28

I called Alfred and asked him if he would come over but he couldn't I haven't seen him for about a week now. The neatest time of day now is between 6:00 and 8:00. It's so nice and cool out. I just love that time of day best of all. I had to babysit and then I called Alfred.

Thursday, June 29

Alfred came over today and watched t.v. When Mom came over we went and got some new shoes and went and had mexican food. When we got home Fred Night was over there. He has a TR3 truiph [[Triumph]]. Him and I went for a ride in it for about a half hour. It was the neatest car. 

Friday, June 30

I told Alfred about last night and he got real mad and we talked for a 1/2 hr. and then just hung up. He called back later about 7:00. Mom, Mike, Bob and I went to Tower Plaza and I forgot that I had to babysit and they came and got me again about 9:00

Saturday, July 1

Judy and I stayed home and cleaned the house up. Mother came home and we went out to dinner at Ontra's it was real nice. After that we went to the drugstore and I got somethings. Alfred hasn't called all day he went to the lake so --- .