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Thursday, August 3

I went over Cheryls house and then we walked over our house and went swimming. Then we came home and made a pizza. She's want me to go to Oak Greek with a bunch of kids for two days. I hope I can go. I made dinner and mother didn't get home till 9:30. I started to cut out my jumper.

Friday, August 4

I got a letter from Ann and she says Dennis needs blood bad. I called Mrs. Rensaw and she said she'll ake [[ask]] her church their Moram [[Mormon]] and so is he. We went shopping and I got some sheets for my bed. There was a big dust storm tonight. Alfred and I broke up but are still going together. Denis Died!

Saturday, August 5

Last night Ann called long distance and told me Dennis died. I was really upset because last summer about this time I went steady with him for two months. His funneral is Mon. I had to babysit tonight. I called Alfred and he said he was going out so I just said call tomorrow. He doesn't know I'm leaving or that Dennis died. I went to church and lit a candle for him and sayed some prayers.

Sunday, August 6

I got up and went to the 8:00 mass. Alfred called and he said he was coming over last night to take me out but I was babysitting. I wasn't home. We took him to the bus station with us and said good-bye. I got to Duncan about 6:30. Ann and I went to a show to see "Suzie Wong".