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[[strikethrough]] Thursday, [[/strikethrough]] August 18 [[strikethrough]] Fri. [[/strikethrough]] Sat.
[[August 1960 calendar]]

Mike told me Bill went to Flagstaff to see the football game. Mother Joanie & I went shopping. I got some material for school. Mike took em over to Conozons about 7:30. I only baby sat till 10:30. I made $6.00. When I got home Mike & I went down to J.I.T.B. Alfred and Rickie C. came in they left right away. Later Rick came back and we talked together for awhile. We left J.I.T.B. about 1:30. [[strikethrough]] Wanda called. [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] Friday, [[/strikethrough]] August 19 Sun.

I slept late today. We went to the 11:00 Mass. I started sewing on my skirt & Blouse. Mom. had a lady over for hamburgers & a swim. Bill came at 7:00. We decided to go to a drive-in. We went and saw "Horror Hotel" & "Strangers Hands". They really weren't too scary. We had fun & Bill told me at Flagstaff he messed around with some girls. I told him about Rick & we were both mad - for awhile 2 min. We stopped by J.I.T.B. I got home at 12:00!

Fidelity Insurance

Wanda called

Mon. [[strikethrough]] Saturday, [[/strikethrough]] August 20

Craylon S. called & she might stay alnight [[all night]] this week. [[strikethrough]] We [[/strikethrough]] I had my app. changed at the dotor [[doctor]] so I went today. My eyes have changed just slightly. Mom & I went over to Park Centeal [[Central]] and I got some new cloths [[clothes]]. I got. 2 sweaters-3 skirts-2 dresses-1 blouse-1 vest. It came to $112.65. Every thing is jut beautiful. They're all winter things so I can't wear them right away. Bill came over at 9:00 to talk to Mom about the insurance man. He didn't stay long. I lost $6.00 so we looked in his car but didn't find it. Rod called.

[[strikethrough]] Mo [[/strikethrough]] Tues [[strikethrough]] Sunday, [[/strikethrough]] August 21

Today I worked on my cloths [[clothes]] for school. Mom & I went down to "Home Silk Shop". She got some material & I got a pattern. We had Mexican food for lunch. Bill was suspose [[supposed] to come over at 8:00. He called & came at 15 to 9. Judy brought the wedding pictures over. Bill, Joan, Bob & I went to Judy's apt. to see the pictures from Hauii [[Hawaii]]. We listened to an album. Bill & I went to "Bob's". We saw Rick & Alfred. Bill & I just spoke to Rick. We talked to Mike when we got home. 

Surety Bonds

Transcription Notes:
Fidelity Insurance and Surety Bonds are printed on the footer of the pages.