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[[^is also referred to in the same place,]] [[strikethrough]] appropriate place in the list]] since the types of many of the species are contained in the National collection, which has been enriched from time to time from Dr. Lea's unrivaled cabinet.
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Condition of the Collection of Mollusks.

As stated in previous reports the total number of specimens in the collection can only be estimated. Not including the material in the hands of Prof. Verrill and assistants, but including duplicates and alcoholic specimens, the total last year must have been in the vicinity of four hundred thousand. The number received during the year has not been counted, as much of it still remains in the original packages, not until our arrearages are closed up shall we be able to state categorically the annual numerical changes in a collection comprising so many minute objects of which there may be hundreds in a single bottle. 

The number of entries in the Museum Register of Mollusks, including Quaternary fossils, from July 1, 1885 to June 30, 1886, inclusive, was 18,638; representing between fifty and sixty thousand individual specimens. During the twenty years or more which have passed over the collection