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Emerson, W.O.   Haywards, Alameda Co. Cal.
17170. Feb. 11, 1886, Shells from California.

Grebnitzki, N. Commander Islands, E. Siberia. (through Dr. Stejneger.)
16878. Dec. 12, 1885. Shells in alcohol for report on names, from Commander Islands and Kamchatka.

Guesde L.   (se Musée L'Herminier)

Harris Gwynn.  218 8th St. N.W. Washington D.C.
17419, May 21, 1886. Loligo Pealei Les., from Cape Henry, Virginia?

Hartman W.D., M.D.   West Chester, Pa. (thro' W.H. Dall)
16751, Nov. 7, 1885, Partula Layardii Brazieo, type of subg. Diplomorpha Ancoy from Vati or Sandwich Island, New Hebrides.

Hay, Robert.   Junction City, Kansas. (through U.S. Geological Survey.)
17520, Jan. 19, 1886 Quaternary fossil specimens of Sphaerium sulcatum and Linnaea caperata, from Kansas, for names.

Healey, Capt. M.A.   U.S.S. Corwin, San Francisco, Cal
16889, Dec. 9, 1885. Shells in alcohol, from Arctic Ocean near Bering Strait; a large and valuable collection.

Transcription Notes:
For confirmation of spelling of Dr. Stejneger see