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[[4 column table]]
| When recd. | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & purport of Letter | Endorsement and Memoranda 

|   | Alexander Marshall. | requests the Bureau to expend the sum of $135 00 for repairing Freedmans School, at Concord. Cabarrus Co. N.C recommended by F A. Fiske. Suptd of Education, referred by Asst Commr. NC to Capt Curren through Bt Lt Col A W Shaffer, requesting an estimate in regard, to what and how much Material will be required to repair the School, and the cost of the same Dec 7 1864| Respectfully returned to Capt Hugo. Hillebrandt A A G with report and Estimate of Capt Curren enclosed

Dec 18th  67| Aikers S.OS.  
Lieut & Infy. AAQM|States that in reply to letter of Lt. TD McAlpine, of the 24 inst. that if there are Quarters sufficient owned by the Govt. at Charlotte. Also if he is not occupying Quarters owned by the Government. Also requires certificate of (2) good citizens, as to the market price of wood, the good character of the citizens to be certified to by the Clerk of the County Court. | Bu of RF&A Lands,
Office Sub AsstCommissioner 
Charlotte NoCa Dec 30" 1867
Respectfully Returned to Lieutenant G.V. S. Aiken Post Qr Master with the documents requested enclosed
(sgd) T. D. McAlpine
Loeut & Sub Asst Com|