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Excellent Cafe Good Service Popular Prices
Third and Cincinnati Sts

Handsome Billiard and Pool Parlors

300 Rooms European Plan
Rates $1.50 per day and upward
Hotel Tulsa
W. N. Robinson
Tulsa, Oklahoma

last night and I one? was as tickled to see me as I was to see her the baby is sure bright, awfully bright and so tall seems she she is all legs  
she stands on her mothers lap and kisses every body    plays peek a boo etc - has 2 teeth and prospects of more but I was very plane maybe rude in letting them know that I had a Son - a baby supreme and in all my life I had never seen his equal baring no circumstances whatever and that when he is 8 mo. old he would be talking and walking thats I'm -

The weather is the same can't imagine how they get it so nice

Transcription Notes:
e - added text in letterhead don't need to indicate whether something was [[penciled in]], just enter text (2),