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MacCracken, Collins & Hawes

William P. MacCracken, Jr.
Philip R. Collins
Robert N. Hawes 1926-1962

TELEPHONE 296-5494

August 1,

Mrs. Hattie Meyers Junkin
4 South Whitehall Blvd.
Long Island, Garden City
New York 11530

Dear Mrs. Junkin:

In response to your letter of July 26, I am pleased to state that I knew Colonel William A. Roberts very intimately and I was sorry to read of his demise last April.

As regards your inquiry concerning honoring "George E. 'Buck' Weaver as the Advance Civilian Flying Instructor at Rich Field, Waco, Texas" I will take this problem up with General Brooke Allen, the Executive Director of the National Aeronautic Association, when he returns to Washington. Also I will mention to him your suggestion that the NAA News Report should give more advance notice of coming events.

You inquire if I can suggest some means by which you can not only contribute to the history of the early days of aviation but can receive some royalties from their publication. My suggestion would be that you try to locate someone who would be willing to co-author a book with you which would tell the story of those early days and Buck Weaver's contribution to them. I have forgotten who took over the Waco Company but perhaps they might be interested in helping you to find a co-author and to publish the book.

Kindest regards and best wishes.

Cordially yours,
Bill MacCracken
William P. MacCracken, Jr.
