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ạba''lîs, [[circled]] up [[/circled]] ^[[?]] in the sky (wanted to set it) (16)
istohimabạna'lin, they took it and put it on his horse's back)
[[strikethrough]] ab [[/strikethrough]] ä'bä, above the ground (H)^[[aba(A+K)]]
ahba'si, more higher (H) ^[[ahbāsi, a little higher (A,K)]]
[[strikethrough]] ab [[/strikethrough]]amba'li, ascending, climbing up, to raise up (H) ^[[ambahali (A,K)]]
amba'lo, ascended, raising up higher (H) ^[[ambahalo (A,K)[[line]] [[?]]]]
[[image - check mark]] aba'sa, to frame up ready for covering, (as a house) (H) [[a'pitcoka', (K), (before [[verbs?]] put on)]]
^[[myth ?]] [[line]] ^[[(]]aba'si, a small barn (H)
[[image - check mark]] aba'so, becoming to framed up ready for covering (H)
[[image - check mark]] aba'ya, being height to dropped down (H)^[[aba'apēl (K), to drop from above]]
abshli, high (H) ^[[apiclê' (A,K) to throw something away one does not need]]
[[image - check mark]]^[[a  ar]]umbuski, high (H)^[[,long [[whenard?]][[image - arrow pointing left]] tcai'ha (K)]]
abuski pinha, high above (H) ^[[abatchi pînha (A) abapîlha (K), going up]]
[[image - check mark]] ma ^[[a  ar]]umbuski fehna, higher above (H) [[too high abapilha (K)]]
[[image - check mark]] aba'hchakā'lichit, support (H)
[[line]] ^[[i'xco, to take up (K)]] ^[[a]]abbahlit isshi, on the fly (H) ^[[to take up (A)]]
^[[aba'le atabā̊'qat ta'mitohd, he jumped up and down (0102)]]
^[[aba nata'letû, support (K)]]

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[[strikethrough]] aba'łi [[/strikethrough]], high up in the air
^[[ạba'lî, an [[line]] ạbapî'la, (K)]]

abuski pinha, high above (H)
abbahlih, above (H)
[[image - check mark]] Abbashki Chukkoli, God, Jehovah (H)  ^[[Abatckî tcokōlî (A)]]
[[image - check mark]] Abbah olla, Above City, or Heavenly City (H)  ^[[Aba tcoko'lî (K)Aba ota something that is going to happen above (A,K) Aba ola, (A,K)]]
[[image - check mark]] mat abashki, higher above (H)
[[image - check mark]] abbapinha, high above (H)  ^[[ạbapîlha (K)]]
[[image - check mark]] abbashki ehanni, land above (H) ^[[aba'ihane' (K)]]
[[ image - check mark]] abbah^[a]li, upper (H)  ^[[aba' (K)]]
[[image - check mark]] ombā'h^[a]li tōba', upward (H)  ^[[aba' anaxka' (K)]]
[[image - check mark]]omba'h[^?]li atakā'ka, upwards (H), ^[[to hang something up  aba ataka'ka (K)]]
? tombatka, uphold (H)  ^[[tambatka, to hold up (A. K)]]
aba'[^h?]li, high, above (H)  ^[[aba pî'lha (K)]]
aba'lo, being high (H)
[[image - check mark]] abah'ko, not high (H)  ^[[akē'bo (K)[[7?]]]]
abah'li, above, high (H)
abah'lo, being on high, that which is high (H)

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ạba'le ehane'
ạba' lehane', heaven

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Ạba'-lîtcû'kole', God, "Above-living"

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abash'ka, a framed up ready for covering (H)
abȧsh'ki, up in the sky (H) ^[[(K)]]
abȧsh'ko, high in the sky, can not reach (H)
abȧsh'li, one who finished framed a house for cover (H) [[line]] ^[[anōlî (K)]]
abȧsh'sa, completed framed and strong enough (H) ^[[+ anō'lî (K)]]
ubahchakalih, to lift up the head (H) ^[[a'ba hanatālî (K)]]
ubahchakalihchih, to cause the head to be lifted up (E) [[line]] ^[[[[lihi ?]]]]
istạba'xledjit, it rose high up with (169)
ạba`le'djit, [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] 2 were way up above (01)
(h)asō'k bā'tcō'stcün, when the sun was shining (up?) (085)

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