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^[[?-]]aboh'ka, washed and clean (H)
^[[?-]] abohko', plain (H)     ^[[tȧmuyiha', completely cleared, as ground (A)]]
aboh'oli, washer, washed (H) 
îsht ā'bůhka, soap (H) ^[[tctā'cîka (K) tawa'sba' (K)]]
isht abuhka im issha, soap box (H) ^[[-- îm ēsa]]
isht abuhka chuffa, bar soap (H)
îshthe'hkachih isht abuhka, shaving soap (H) ^[[(+K)]]
isht abuhka tuli, soapstone (H)
ilû'kfa ishtabuhka, laundry soap (H) ^[[olî'kfa îctā'ûka (K)]]
isht abuhka posi, washing powder (H)
ishta'bouhka pȧ'kpȧki, [[strikethrough]]spa[[/strikethrough]] soapsuds (H) ^[[+ îctabōka sūksukî (A+K)]]
ishtabuhka akmalli, perfume soap (H)
ishtabuhka aisshi, green soap (H) ^[[soap medicine ----- îctacî'ᵋka aîs'î (K)]]
    ^[[______ [[ditto for: îctacî'ᵋka]] Kȧnohtcî (K)]]
    ^[[______ [[ditto for: îctacî'ᵋka]] îcpakpȧlê (K)]]
ishtabuhka konnohchi, a fine soap (H)
ishtabuhka pukpuki, barber's shaving soap (H)
ishtabuhka ishpukpaki, shaving brush (H)
^[[îctā'bo'hka întaibē', soap box (A)]]
^[[îctoecîka _____ [[ditto for: întaibē']], " " [[dittos for: soap box]](K)]]
^[[îcta'bohka tcōpe', bar soap (A)]]
^[[îctacîka " [[ditto for: tcōpe']], " " [[dittos for: bar soap]] (K)]] 
^[[" " [[ditto for: îctacîka]] îsta'sa, washing powder (K)]]
^[[fō'tohȧnȧtcî, to smell good (K)]]
^[[akmōhȧ'li (A)]]

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^[[1204, 1264 (?)]]
^[[(see otcuska)]]
abone'ᵋ, egg ^[[?]]
ạka'ga djûska' ạbone', hen's egg
^[[_____ [[ditto for: ạka'ga]] otcuskî' ȧbonka', eggs boiled in water (A)]]
^[[kō'lo'sî' otcuskî' bakȧno', (K]]
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abo'slî o'hîbạtoha', they roasted and ate (5)
abush'ka, roast (H) ^[[(+K)]]
abush'ko, not roasted (H)   ^[[abûcîko (A + K)]]
abush'li, to roast, roaster (H)
abush'lo, roasting (H)
ạbō'slit, roasted (161)
amabosle', roast it for me (050) ^[[+K)]]
nas obo'skûn, something roasted (097)
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cạ'mîtcîlo'k ạbo'slela'hîna', how does ^[[should (?)]] one roast it? (32)
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îtco' .ạbo'ckạkon, roasted deer (12)
îtcạboskạfā'gon, at the roasted venison (12)