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254 ^[[-1]]
^[[atceba (?)  (+K)]]
achibba, hard (H)  ^[[atcîhî'ba (+K)]]
illachibatchi, hardened (H)  ^[[ilātcîhîbā'tci, he made it hard for himself]]
atchiba fehna, hard-featured (H) ^[[too hard, too high (in trading)]]
atcha'ppas tō(ho)bahchi, hard-fought (H)  ^[[as if hard]]
ohîmātcē'bok, they got sorry (9)
achih'ba, anxious, hard to get; precious, costly (H)
achih'bo, p. anxiously, difficulty, hardness (H) 
achi^[[b]]î'ba, bad often, uneasy about, presentiment (H)  ^[[too high?  too hard?]]
achii'bo, too bad, grieved (H)
atchi'ba, gone up in price, higher price (H)
atchi'bo, state having gone up in price, higher (H)
achi'ba, hard to get, bad, high price, difficult (H)
achi'bo, becoming difficulty, bad, hard to get (H)
imatchibba, bad luck (H)
atchê'bbat achîbbo, mighty bad (H)
atchibba, bad (H)
nas atchîbba, a bad luck (H)
atchibbassi, badness (H)  ^[[kind of bad]]
imatchibassih, sorrowful (H)
imatchibassihchih, sorrowfully (H)
imatchibassih, sorrowfulness (H)
nas imatchibaia, sackcloth (H)  ^[[something bad]]
is^[[t]]kachibahchi, hard-gotten (H)  ^[[it makes hard]]
ish[[circled]]t[[/circled]]ka' achī'bȧshi, iskachîbba, hardly (H), ^[[hard to get]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
alchî'ba, troublesome (H)
alchi'bo, p. stating of having troublesome (H)
ạdjibạti'kgün, without much trouble (0125)
[[end page]]
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256 ^[[-1]]
^[[see chika   (+K)]]
^[[see tci]]
achīh'ka', for plant, planted (H)
achih'ko, not planting, not sowing; planted before (H)
achih'li, planting, sowing (H)
ȧlchi'ha, planter, good for plant, [[underlined]]seed[[/underlined]] ^[[what is planted]] (H) ^[[hīłê' (K)]]
alchi'ho, stating having in plant, planted (H)
nas atchī'hli, planter (H) ^[[(+K)]]
atchihli, planting (H)
os^[[t]]hachit ishto^[[‿]]natchili, planted with or to ^[[I came where I plant]] (H)
hatchali, plant (H) (?) ^[[standing up]]
nas atchih^[[ạ]]lih, farm
nas atchih^[[ạ]]lihchi, farming ^[[man]] (H)
atchih^[[ạ]]li'hchih, farming ^[[man]] (H)
nas alchiha holisso, farming book (H)  ^[[nas atcī'hîlî întcā'kȧ' (K)]]
im^[[‿]]ȧlchihȧsi, small farm (H)  ^[[imatce'ẋkȧsi (K)]]
chŭssih ishtȧlchīha, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] corn planter (H) ^[[tcȧsi îstatcî'ẋkȧ (K)]]
pakali ishtalchiha, cotton planter (H)  ^[[bai'ka hȧ'tkȧᵋ (K)]]
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257 ^[[-2]]
ȧ'lchiha [[strikethrough]]hatchali, olf[[/strikethrough]] plant (H)  ^[[ȧtcî'ẋka (K)]]
isht alchiha, planter (H)
chussih ishtalchiha, corn planter (H)
pakali ishtalchiha, cotton planter (H) 
alchihachih, planted (H) ^[[_____i chi (K)]]
im aialchiha, plantation (H) ^[[ēt îmatcî'ẋka (K)]]
aialchihafa, a place for planting (H) ^[[ētatcî'ẋka (K)]]
alchiha alha, time to plant (H)  ^[[a'tcîẋka ołs (K)]]
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258 ^[[-3]]
ayalchiha, field
um^[[‿]]ayȧ'lchiha, my planting patch (H) ^[[ēt ȧmatcî'ẋka (K)]]
pokali aialchiha, cotton field (H) ^[[baükā'tka tcȧfa' (K)]]

Transcription Notes:
*some handwriting is not marked - added *some diacritics missing - added