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foto, (?)              554 [handwritten] 518 [typed]

îtafolo' gastcok, (a man was just) married (12)
itafolo'ka'tcok, he was (just) married (79)
taffǔlǔska, union by marriage (H)      ^[[î'tēsi(K)]]
ittaffuluskahi, to be union in marriage (H) ^[[tapǔtǔśka (K)]]           
at itufulichih, match-maker (H)^[[ȧnā'lītcî(K)]]
ittafulka, marry (H)         ^[[î'nā'tî (K)]]
ttafulukah chulpisha, marriageable (H) ^[[natîhȧlpî (K)]]
ittafulukama, married (H) ^[[înātimas (K)]]
ittafuluklka bunnah, love to marry (H) ^[[înȧśkobȧńa (K)]]
itā’folo’kạtoha’, he married them (0ll0)
eta’foloskạtoha’, they married (0123)
itimita’fülû’ skatoha’, they married each other (0128)

^[[a lot opened one unopened]]		519 [typed]
foluh, oysters (H) ^[[foloẋtîs (K)]]
	foluh nipo, oysters (H)	^[[kayafolopsî'po (K)]]
	foluh ofakchi, oyster shell (H)^[[afaktco' (K)]]
	“        ishpoatli, fried oysters (H)^[[îsbotátlî (K)]]
        “	ittubalka, stewed oysters (H) ^[[îtafánka (K)]]
	“	libbátka, cooked oysters (H) (HK)
	“	ofakchi buttoka, ground shell (H) ^[[ȧ’fȧkkōlcaiy [illegible]]]
	“	intuhno, oyster worked (H) ^[[îltomtc (K)]]
	“	wihlih, fuloh owihli, oyster-gather ^[[(fK)]]
	“	kubitta chuffa, one barrel[[strike through]] ^[[basket]] of oysters (H) ^[[kofîta tcȧfa (K)]]
  	fol’lo, oysters (H)
	fullo hatka’, mother of pearl (H) (&K)
		         ^[[a white mass of shells]]

520 [typed]
fon’ni, a sister (H)
ifon’ni, sister, having sister (H)----- îfonō’sî
i’foni, his sister (061)
toạfonoskē’ha’, my sisters (0113b) (&K)

521 [typed]^[[-1]]
fås’ka, x scaled off, to scab, full of scale (H)
fås’ko, to hatch (?)
fås’li, to scaling (H)
fås’lo, becoming to scale (H)
fos’ka, without hull, as pea, or scale off (H) ^[[(fōska’/K ?? A)]]
fos’ko, having unhulled, shelled (H)
fos’li, to unhulling (x crossed) out, to take out the shell (H)
fos'si [[strikethrough]] xxxxxxxxxxxx (K)[[strikethrough]]
fos’ti, state which [[strikethrough]]who does that unhulling or shelled (H)

									522 ^[[-2]]
    ifos’ka, to come off itself, as a bark or hull or outer covering (H)
    ifos’ko, stating to comes off itself, as an outer cover-
    ifos’li, to tell to do clean out outer covering; one who does clean outer covering (adj. and n.) 			(H)
    ifos’lo, stating who [[strikethrough]] one who does cleaning outer covering