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523 ^[[-1]] ^[[_ _828]]
fōs`e', bird

[[strikethrough]](f)[[/strikethrough]]ōs tcûba', ^[[bald - headed? (&K)]], eagle[[strikethrough]](?)[[/strikethrough]], [[strikethrough]]"big bird"[[/strikethrough]] ^[[big ?]]
fos use', little bird  foshushi, a small bird (H)
fō' si, birds (H)
fossih, bird (H) foshi (H) 
fosh lutcha, a blackbird (H)  ^[[ō'ktcȧłe' (K.)]]
fosh hokfa, bird-cage (H)^[[fōs îmē'sa (K) ito'[[superscript symbol]] foto'χka ałē' (K)]]
ittotulikjo ahlippa fossih, bird-cherry (H) 
foswakaika ubbabpinha aiaya, bird's eye (H) [[a line is drawn to connect this copy with copy hand-written at bottom of page that reads: ^[[fōswai'ke ȧ'bapî'lha aia (K)]]
fosh chubba, a large bird (H) ^[[a very big hawk (+K)]]
fosh sawa, fosh sawachih, sparrow or sparrows (H) ^[[(+K)]]
foshi falakchih, feather (H)  ^[[(+K)]]
fosh inkupi, a bird nest (H) ^[[(+K)]]
fosh [[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]]akshi, a bird's claw (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hushtula foshi, a winter bird (H) ^[[łafî[[superscript symbol]] fo'sî (K)]]
fosh hubachih, lark (H) ^[[(+K)]] [["lark" is circled, and a line is drawn to connect it with copy hand-written at bottom of page that reads: ^[[mockingbird fōs tcai'ha, [[lark?]] (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
fossih ibbisonjuba, hornbill (H) ^[[(no kousati word)]]
fossi imahlahka nas iskun wayā'ka ippa'[[superscript symbol]], fly-catcher (H)
^[[fossi imahlahki nas | [[?]] wayā'ka  (K) crested f. ?]] 
fo'cî îmî'lpa', sorghum
^[[birds' food]]
foshi' hliko[[strikethrough]]h[[/strikethough]]^[[n]]hła halba, sunbird (H) ^[[(+K)]]
fos[[strikethrough]]h[[/strikethrough]] hłohali, pointer (H) ^[[(+K)]]
fosh hloli, fosh wīli, pointer (H) ^[[he]] [["he" is inserted by an arrow between the 'ī' and 'l' in "wīli"]] ^[[(+K)]]
[[underline]]i[[/underline]fos'si, [[strikethrough]] xxxxxxxxxgxtxxgxxxxxxxx [[/strikethrough]] one kind bird to belong to something (H)
info'si, belonging to some kind birds (H)
info'so, relating to or belonging to some kind bird (H)
foshchuba, fishhawk (H) [[foshchuba is circled]]
^[[oktcȧłtcuba' (K+probably A)]] [[a line is drawn connecting this note to "fishhawk"]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[underline]]i[[/underline]]fos'si, pertaining to gun hammer (H) [[întayō'sî (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
fossih, ^[[î fosi']] ^[[îmaivo'(K)]]
invossih, grandfather (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[he walks zigzag]] ^[[(+K)]] 
foyo'li, a person walking looks up and down at the pelvis(H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[foyo]] ^[[Choctaw]]
oka' fulo'lixtci,[[this is circled and a line connecting to choctaw]] the water circles around 
^[[, whirlpool oka foyotlê' (K)]]
^[[oke' afoyo'tlc'tce']]
abạk fō'tgok, he went around (he went over log to get to the other side of it? (040) [[a line connects this to the above entry]]
^[[a'sȧt haritȧnä'tka]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
ha, fine (H) ^[[alē'la(K)]]
[[end page]]