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 [[start page]]                                             559

hallawossah, mosquito-hawk (H) ^[[toteînê'lî(K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]                                              560
hal'ki, wife (H)
hal'ko, wife to (H)
 cha halki, my wife (H)
 chi halki, your wife (H)
 áki halki, his wife (H) ^[[she follows him always, àko hà'lki (K)]]
 halki illishachih, take his wife with (H)^[[(+K)]]
 halki tobachi, make a wife (H) ^[[hàlki oryû'ktcî (K)]]
 halki tombachih, like a wife (H) 
 halkim ona, the first wife (H)^[[hàlki mō'lî (K)]]
 halkis atukla, the second wife (H)^[[hàlkîs tetûfeûlu (K)]]
 halki tiko, not a wife (H)^[[(+K)]]
 halkikso, a single man (H)^[[(+K)]]
 halki bannah, want a wife (H)^[[(+K)]]
 hḁlkifa'ma, to his wife (when he got) (015)
 hḁ'lkikok, his wife (015)
  h [[strikethrough]] ; [[/strikethrough]] algito'klitoha', he had 2 wives (0131) (hḁlgiato'klitoha)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]                                              561
haluk,^[[to sharpen]]
     riza isht halukpa, razor-strop, hone (H)
     eyifa halu^[[~]]kpa, horn ^[[hone]] (H)^[[làfû halûkfa'bî (K)]]

     hḁlokbā''tcûn, sharp (0107)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]                                              562

halûkpah, wide-awake (H)^[[(awakes[?] last) (+K)]]
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[[start page]]                                              563

halomoko', harden [[strikethrough]]ed[[strikethrough]] (H)
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[[start page]]                                      564^[[-1]]

[[hat]]                 [[(+K)]]                [[839(2)]]

hā'ɫok, he put on (9)
 ha'hɫi, shoes on, with shoe (H)
 ha'hlo, having shoes on, unbarefooted (H)
 halhi'ya, a pair on, to wear on, put shoe on (H)
 halh'ia (n) state of being wearing shoes (H)
 halh'ka, need not to put on shoes (H)
 halh'kī, let him to put on shoes (H)
 halh'ko, a barefoot; not to put on shoes, without a shoe (H)
 halh'la, look here put a shoe on (H)
 halh'lī, foot in the shoe[[strikethrough]]s[[strikethrough]], with shoe (H)
 halh'lo, to put shoes on, with a shoe on (H)
 halh'ta, to wearing all right them (H)
 halh'ti, state of who does put shoes on (H)
 hah'hli, to wear on, to put on (as a shoe) (H)
  willu halhli, to put on (as shoes) (H)
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[[start page]]                                      565 ^[[-2]]

hoha'ɫē'djok, he put on, or they put on him (9)
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[[start page]]                   ^[[(+K)]]            566^[[-3]]
 ahalh'ka, shoe stool (H)
 ahalh'ko, nothing to sit on to put on shoe (H)
 ahalh'li, to put on shoe on stool (H)
 ahalh'lo, stating having to wear shoe on stool (H)
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