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1069 ^[[-1]]
^[[forms on [[?]] f [[strikethrough]] may be [[/strikethrough]] sing]] 
îsnō'goloftî'k, he cut her throat with it (35)
inogo'lit ạnōtoha', he cut their throats (38)
isko'lgạt, cut off and made into crowns (158)
akul'ka, a place where timbers are cut; cutting place (H)
akul'ko, still woods, uncut timber place (H)
akul'li, a place cut timbers on (H)
akul'lo, p. stating having a place cutted timbers on (H)
koluffi, a sign (H)
wak nipo obi kulufka, a round ^[[brind of martin [[?]] ]] of beef (H) ^[[wak kobe' obî']]
^[[koyofka' (K)]]
eoksi ishtkulka, horse rasp (H) ^[[iyakîstî[[macron above "n"]]koika (K)]]
nas apilchi isht kulka, stalk cutter (H)
voiska nahotik kulkatchit ishtinchihiko, blank verse (H)
kuluffi, cutting down (H) ^[[koyō'fîs (K)]]
kulufka, cut down (H) ^[[_______ka (K)]]
kul'ia, cutting into pieces (H)
kul'ka, to cut (H) ^[[koika (K)]]
kul'ko, cutted (H)
kul'li, cutting; one who cutted (H) ^[[koilî (K)]]
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honō'kolo'fōk, they cut off (his head) (22)
kul'lo, cutting into pieces (H)
kul'ti, one who did cut (H)
kulufka, cut (H)
kuluffi, to cut (H)
itta kuluffi, cutting (H)
nas iskulka, cutlery (H) ^[[- (+K)]]
isht kulka, cutter (H)
inchikŭlli, inyikŭlli, to cut out or engraving (H) ^[[inē'lî(K)]]
itta kuluffit issih, to cut off (H) ^[[ [[strikethrough]]itu[[/strikethrough]] itākoyofît îsî(K)]]
itta kuluffit pihli, to cut off together (H) ^[[îtakoyofît pî'łka (K)]]
isht illi kuluffi, to cut oneself with a knife or ax (H) ^[[îct îlî koyō'fî (K)]]
[[strikethrough]] intuka [[/strikethrough]] allila kulli, cut fine (H) ^[[(+K)]]
hissih kuluffi, barber (H)
at hishi kulufi, barber shop (H) ^[[(at înca'hȧle (K)]]
hissis [[underline]]kulufka[[/underline]] chaski, barber's comb (H) ^[[koyûfka']]
hishi kulufi fatli, barber's pole (H)
hishi kulufka apatchokoka, barber's furniture (H) ^[[îtsā'kȧfa]]
^[[katcokō'ka (K]]
isht kulashka hishis kulufka, barber's shears (H)
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îckolo'fok, he cut it off close (13) 
ittokulufka, water-bucket (H) ^[[îtokoyû'fka (K)]]
? wạgō'lok, broke it (gourd) (165)
okolofi't, cut (167)
ko'lit, he cut (167)
nogolō'fok, he cut it (neck) off (048)
ile'kolo'fok, cutting a piece of yourself off (050)
óskolûn, a flute (0120) ^[[(+K)]]
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kulu'fka, ends cut off, "stub-cane."
inkulofîlo', I am cutting off (Creek: înta'dsäs)
tcạ'klit kolā'hō'sit, he chopped and nearly cut off (0134)