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^[[see kushkaha]]
wak im pis komosha, sour milk (H) ^[[wak împî's kȧmoskȧ (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[kona]]   ^[[(+K)]]
ako^[[‿]]na', splinters or brier pierced to the foot, hand (H)
ako'no, did pierced to (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[konno]] ^[[kanosîn ahîtcatci (K)]]
konnossin ahitchachossih, officially (H) ^[[kȧnos tcō'lîc (K)]]
konnotchussit alluh, officious; officially (H)
konnotchussit alhla, officiousness (H)
konnosin punnashih, fully (H)
konnosin akustimchossih, fully understand (H) ^[[kȧnō'sî akȧstîmē'tcîn (K)]]
imishis konnosit illakallosit, fully persuade (H) ^[[îmîcîẋ kā'nosît (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
kono', skunk
[[strikethrough]]ko[[/strikethrough]] kun'no, a skunk (H) ^[[strikethrough]]k[[/strikethrough]]
kunno hlahkachi, a small striped skunk (H) ^[[pahȧ'tka (K)]]
kunno [[strikethrough]]hla[[/strikethrough]] lucha, a black skunk (H)
kunnon hitcha litti, I saw a skunk (H) ^[[(+K)]]
kunnoh im issah, the skunk where the stay at (H)
kunnoh suffitih, the skunk dug here (H) ^[[tcacîtȧntȧkî (K)]]
[[strikethrough]]nas ku[[/strikethrough]] konno [[strikethrough]] [[macron below "i"]]ma,[[/strikethrough]] [[macron below "i"]]nia, fat of skunk or oil in skunk (H) ^[[(+K)]]
kunno ofakchi, skunk skin (H)
" [[ditto for: kunno]] hishi, skunk hair (H)
" [[ditto for: kunno]] otchŭski, kunnoshi, small skunk (H) ^[[kono' lauî'sta (K)]]
kunnon cha [[underline]]hufno[[/underline]], kunnok kusomo, I smell skunk (H) ^[[konon tca ho'f (K)]]
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konotli', time (H) ^[[(+K)]]
^[[to roll]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1088 ^[[-1]]
kupihkakahchih, rubbishing or rubbishy (H) ^[[(+K)]]
kupih^[[a]]li, to clean brush or branches of trees (H)
kupihka atikli, to burn brush (H) ^[[kupīẋkatî'nî (K)]]
kupihka tobilachi, to burned it brush (H) ^[[atî'nîẋtcî (K)]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1089 ^[[-2]]
isko'pa, indicating that which does brushed together as a nest (H)
isko'pi, collected together as a nest (H) 
isko'po, state of being brushed up like a nest (H)
[[line from "isko'pi"]] ^[[îskopîka]]
^[[ (a) îstîcȧ'nȧẋka]]
^[[(K)]] [[attached to both previous lines]]