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1420 ^[[-1]]
ne'[[strikethrough]]`[[/strikethrough]]tạ'ᵋ, day
^[[nî'[[superscript]]c[[/superscript]]tạ, tomorrow]]
nihtō' opiya, an eclipse of the sun (H) ^[[(+K)]]
nihta ostimanoka, fated (H)
nihta tahlepas tuchina polis hannali auahtahlepi, year (H)
nihta hollu in nihta, Monday (H) ^[[talî nîẋta (K)]]
nihta hollusih, Saturday (H) ^[[ta'lûsî]]
nihta hollu, Sunday (H) ^[[(+K)]]
allukulli falhlalih chuluh nihta hollo m[[macron below "u"]]n, I went to [[strikethrough]]churc[[/strikethrough]] church on Sunday (H)
atukla nihta nilhlaili, Tuesday morning (H) ^[[(+K)]]
nihta holussimun, next Saturday (H)
[[underline]]owallita[[/underline]] ^[[hunting]] nihta, may-game (H) ^[[īlanawe'`ka nîẋta (K)]]
nih'ta, a day, light day (H)
nih'to, having daylight, daylight, day come, appear [[strikethrough]]to[[/strikethrough]] a daylight (H)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1421 ^[[-2]]
nî'`tạn nî'`tayō'k, day after day (24)
nihtah, weather (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] konno, good weather (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] konko, bad weather (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] kusatka, cold weather (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] lubbah, warm weather (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] konnot hatcha ho, the weather is going to be pleasant (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] oiybachi, a rainy weather (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] po bannah toma, only weather we need (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] yuk konno fihtikonm, the weather is not so good (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] fotli, weather-glass; [[strikethrough]](H)[[/strikethrough]] a barmoeter [[edit mark for: barometer]] (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] yahmulh ahlakaioluluh, such a bad weather I not go (H)
ma hayan nihta fotli, weatherwise (H)
nihtah tomo^[[a]]n, daily (H) ^[[(+K)]]
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] toma holisso, daily news (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] toma puspa, daily bread (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] toma pinaki, daily food (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] toma allia, daily exercise (H)
" [[ditto for: nihtah]] tamon intuhno tukomi, work daily (H)
[[strikethrough]] " [[ditto for: nihtah]] toma puspa [[/strikethrough]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
1422 ^[[-3]]
nihtoiha holisso, daily paper (H) ^[[îna întca'ka (K)]]
nihtoihan inka, give daily (H)
nihta toma, nihtoiha olimpa, daily food (H)
nihta tomon ishtnaho, use daily (H)
nihtoiha hlakufko, daily use (H)
nihta hullos chuffa, week (H) ^[[taholo tcȧfā'ga (K)]]
" [[ditto for: nihta]] hullo nukahlako, last week (H)
" [[ditto for: nihta]] hullo ko ma biknoh ontiko, week before last (H)
" [[ditto for: nihta]] hullo hluputlih ma, next week (H)
" [[ditto for: nihta]] hullos chuffa yahle, weekly (H)
" [[ditto for: nihta]] hullo chuffa holisso, weekly paper (H)
" [[ditto for: nihta]] intullihno holisso atukka, weekly time book (H)
" [[ditto for: nihta]] hullos chuffa kako, one week ago (H)
" [[ditto for: nihta]] hullos chuffa kayo wihko, been here a week (H)
" [[ditto for: nihta]] hullos chuffa kan ayah, a visit one week (H)
" [[ditto for: nihta]] hullos chuffakan ikluh, never been here a week (H)
" [[ditto for: nihta]] hullo sohmimon, some week (H)
" [[ditto for: nihta]] hullos chuffika chulhle, each week (H)
nitat illa, becoming daylight (H)
nihtat annoka, almost daylight (H)
nihta holisso, day-book (H)
intullihno nihtah, a weekday (H)
nihtat matawitaka, daybreak (H)