Viewing page 156 of 200

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notchuf, part (H)
anachŭ'fka, part (H) [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] ^[[anîca'fka (K)]]
anachohkatchih, partibility, partible, parting (H)
[[strikethrough]] imiska [[/strikethrough]] im anachufka, partly (H)
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nûta, low
nuta, ma nuta, lower (H)
[[strikethrough]] nukebab [[/strikethrough]] 
noh',ta, ^[[way under (+K)]] just below, beneath, under; way below (H)
noh'to, state having way below down (H)
nut'ta, under (H)
nu'ta, beneath, just beneath (H)
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^[[cf. nuta]] ^[[1377]]
no^[[û]]tạ'qᵋfa', jaw, lower ^[[, chin]] ^[[(+K)]]
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n[[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]^[[o]]tạ'q'fa', chin
n[[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]^[[o]]tạ'q'fa[[strikethrough]]'[[/strikethough]] hî'si, beard ^[[îtcok'hî'sko (K)]]
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^[[or anowa ?]]
ittannoiwa ha, visitor; visitors (H) ^[[ati bîne'lî ha (K)]]
anowut ayah, visit (H) ^[[tcay ā'lît onȧ (K)]]
^[[yumā'ẋto onā'mî (K)]] anowat onami, traveled on (H)
illatobat itanowa, march (H) ^[[ilatō'bȧt ima'hȧlî (K)]]
^[[sulitawaha ima'hȧlî (K)]] kaskatchiputtat ittunnowa, march (as soldiers)
itanō'wan, they came on always (171)
istitạnō'wahak, they went on pursuing bear (037)
i'tạnạhatcūwạlo', you will go about as always (058)^[[or]] ạno?
^[[îsîyumā'lûsî (K)]] istitanowa'sin, by and by, while going along with (071)
bikno ik^[[-?]]'tanō'wa'gok, they traveled ahead (or before) (097)
itạno'watcoti', [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] walks around anywhere (0118)
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isno'la, [[strikethrough]] that which [[/strikethrough]] to help carried on as a baby, etc. (H)
^[[(+K)]] isno'li, to help carrying baby or of anything carry (H)
isno'lo, being help in carrying on (H)
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itạnō'wạtoha', she went walking (82) ^[[yumā'ẋtoha (K)]]