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okpạla'toha, on top of the water (155) ^[[(+K)]]
palkitchi, high, [[strikethrough]](H)[[/strikethrough]] high strung, high toned, (H)
? ilapalalli, mad ^[[nûksī'pa (K)]]
illapallali, madly (H)
pissi [[underline]]im okpallali,[[/underline]] cream (H) ^[[imokpȧkā'lî (K)]]
im okpalalit onoka, creamy [[strikethrough]]laid[[/strikethrough]] (H) ^[[îmokpakā'lît ȧnō'xko (K)]]
i'ltokpạlā'lin, came out [[strikethrough]]down in the water[[/strikethrough]] on top of the water (163)
okpạlā'lin, it rose (flood) (169) ^[[(+K)  (a flood)]]
iltokpạlala'pīn, he came out of the water (0111)
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pạle'ktcî', chaff (bread made from) (068) ^[[(+K)]]
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palla (?)
[[underline]]pŭspa[[/underline]] ishtimpallapalŭshi, turnover (H) ^[[tabȧ'ẋka (K)]]
? mustita [[underline]]pallatka,[[/underline]] stove pokers (H) ^[[hȧtcalî' (K)]]
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pahlatlih, splitted (H)
pȧłh'ka, split open, to split (H) ^[[(+K)]]
palh'ko, splitted up (H)
palh'li, to do split it, to split into (H)
palh'lo, state of being who does split it (H)
palh'ti, state having one who was split it (H)
pạłạ'plit, split in two (0131) ^[[(+K)]]
^[[pȧłȧplî (one)]]
^[[pȧłî (pl.)]]
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^[[cf. apanna]]
apȧn'ka, to twist on (H) ^[[îtpȧnaika (K)]]
apan'ko, untwisted (H)
apan'ni, to twist upon (H)
apan'no, state of having to twisted on or upon (H)
[[strikethrough]] ? ittapanahliko, not mixed together (H)[[/strikethrough]]
pȧn'ka, corded, cord (H) ^[[(+K)]]
pan'ko, having corded (H)
pȧn'ni, to spin a cord (H) ^[[(+K)]]
pan'no, having spinned a cord (H)
pan'ti, state have already spin (H)
[[strikethrough]]pan[[/strikethrough]] itạ'pạnai'gạ^[[gạt]], to twist about each other (086)
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1658 ^[[-1]]
pa'-nah, above (H)
impa'na, on top (H)
impa'no, in on top (H)
pa'na, on, top, above of, upon (H)
pa'no, having above, or upon (H)
ittim pannah, above the tree (H) ^[[îtō pā'na (K, A)]]
chisbak pannah, above your head (H)
chim pannah, above you (H)
pi-pa-nashe, just above (H)
pānȧ', ma pana, upon (H) ^[[(+K)]]
pahnah, upper (H)
pana fehna, mostim panah, uppermost (H)
panon toba, upward (H)  pa toba, upward (H)
^[[ēsa bānan, top of house (76) (evidently panani)
hopānā'hok, they put on (024) ^[[(+K)]]