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October/31 over
Leaves of Wesley Heights        Page twenty-one

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Tres Pedres, New Mexico. She was accompanied by her grandmother, Mrs. William M. Baxter, who is the guest now of Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Baxter.

   ¶Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Hagedorn and their family, of Indian Lane, who have spent the summer at Nantucket, returned to Washington on September 16th. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Montgomery, who have occupied the Hagedorn residence during the summer months, have gone to their home on Davis Street.

   ¶Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Saunders, of Klingle Street, and their three children, Miss Elizabeth Saunders, Miss Dorothy Saunders, and Mr. Robert Saunders, spent the first two weeks in September at Cape May, New Jersey, where they had an apartment.

   ¶Mr. James Heaton, of Indian Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Heaton, and Mr. John Mitchell Waters, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Waters, of Forty-fifth Street, left early in September for Gettysburg College, where the former will begin a pre-medical course and the latter his junior year in the College of Liberal Arts. Mr. Waters had planned to begin his college career last year but instead, spent the 

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[[image caption]] A recent photograph of Mrs. Ralph Barnaby before the glider in which she actually qualified for her glider license. Mrs. Barnaby was the first woman to achieve this distinction. [[/image caption]]

year cruising around the world on the S. S. City of Dalhart. Mr. and Mrs. Waters have rented their house in Wesley Heights and have taken an apartment in Washington for the next year.

   ¶Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Connor Roberts and their two sons, of Forty-fourth Street, returned after Labor Day from a vacation spent at Bethany Beach.
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Photo by Backrack

[[image caption]] Mrs. Layton R. Colburn, of Klingle Street, with her two pets. Il Duce, the St. Bernard, is a friend to most of the residents of the community. The picture was made in Mrs. Colburn's gardens. [[//image caption]]