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altitude as he becomes more experienced in navigating this new medium--the air. When he has attained thirty or forty feet he is ready to make simple turns. Each step leads to the next,and by the time a few short weeks have elapsed he is putting the ship through all its paces. He does this with a confidence he could not have were he flying a "Zoegling" , for he instinct-ively senses its perfect balance and advanced engineering. The same ship which he found so easy to learn on he now finds is a wonderful performer for advanced flying. As the veteran pilots say, "It's a sweet flying job." 

As a result of advanced American engineering and typically American production methods of teaching, our student is an advanced glider pilot while another, who has used imported methods unsuited to conditions here,is still in the beginner stage.

My associates and I believe that it is poor economy for a Glider Club or School to purchase a ship that can only take them through the ABC's of gliding. The American Glider Clubs, which are organized as small independent units, cannot afford two or three types of gliders. The Utility (American type)glider not only makes the process of learning the principles of flight easier and safer, but carries its owners through the list of glider maneuvers and on into soaring flight. 

The American glider public is now realizing that conditions of terrain, psychology, tradition, and so forth, are quite different here than in Germany. Particularly is it true that we have little hilly land which is not more or less obstructed by trees, fences, etc., while flat pasture land is to be found in almost every section of the United States.  

The Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk established the first glider record of nine minutes. With the advent of powered planes gliding was neglected for many years, and was then taken up after the war by the Germans who gave it a wonderful development. Now it has returned to America where it is destined to have its greatest development. But German equipment cannot be used in the American technic. For auto towing, gliders must be properly engineered and carefully built, and our pilots must be well-trained. 

It is the greatest sport man ever devised, and within a short while is destined to occupy a very prominent place in America. We are going into the air by the thousands.